Psychologists identify five female types who not only cheat on their husbands, but are almost always sure that their actions can be understood. By and large, such wives have no remorse, and if they have self-incriminating feelings, then they are superficial.

The first type - "Rose"
"Rose" is the first on the list of cheating wives. She is bright, expansive, loving flirting, but leaves nothing behind. This woman is used to being a diamond in a gold setting, knowing her worth and giving all her strength to the search for the ideal. She sees her new partner as “the same”, but in most cases, after each betrayal, “Rose” realizes that her husband is still better. She is not tormented by conscience, as, indeed, by the feeling of guilt; an hour after adultery, she can calmly talk with her husband, drinking aromatic coffee or her favorite red wine, and soon flirt again. “Rose” does not need a lover as such; she is looking, first of all, for a person. “I have always considered myself a smart woman, and therefore relied on one of the weakest places in the armor of male conceit - his sexuality. Call me licentious when I am liberated, but do not bother looking for the only one …"
The second type - "Rosehip"
Such a woman does not accept the routine. If this is your option, then the wife is cheating not because of passion or any benefit, but simply because she became bored. She almost never agrees to a casual relationship with an unfamiliar man - she loves herself and does not want trouble. He chooses a partner from people who have taken place, who have achieved a position or recognition in society. Acts cleverly, but not tactfully enough, however, it is more than pays off with her external polish. She has excellent taste, looks after herself closely and keeps abreast of all fashionable novelties. Dislikes old things and long-term relationships. He throws partners quickly and always "returns" to the house. Usually her husband remains in happy ignorance, life enters its usual rut and flows in a calm, deep river until the next turn. "Cheating a spouse is not the highest price to pay for breaking out of the cage and jolting …"
The third type is "Lily"
The third type of wives who cheat on their husbands - "Lilia" - does not know how to say "no" and is equally capable of being carried away by both the husband of her best friend and her boss. Co-workers of the spouse fall under a special article. Women of this type are a little infantile, and therefore it seems to them an unbearable burden to look for an object of passion somewhere far from home. They would gladly shift this concern onto the shoulders of their husband, as they easily shift all their other difficulties. "Lily" seems soft, gentle and modest, to some extent it is in fact so. But the main feature that distinguishes such women is still not modesty, but a real passion to be a comforter. Not very confident partners are drawn to them, looking forward to a hot dinner, a sympathetic conversation, and just a quiet pier. Having the opportunity to give all this, "Lily" blossoms, and begins to smell in a special way, which, of course, does not pass without leaving a trace for a man who seeks her consolations. The result is predictable: such a wife is cheating. “It happened that I broke up with my lover, but then I felt sorry for him, and everything started all over again …”
The fourth type - "Astra"
She is unfaithful to her husband, because she is extremely prone to narcissism. This intellectual beauty most often puts at the forefront not feelings, but the effect that she produces on others. It is easy to recognize her in society: who is wearing the most exquisite evening dress or who will never show his resentment (bad mood, migraines, domestic troubles)? Will he choose the most attractive, interesting from the guests, and with some invisible vibes will interest him, bewitch, make him follow her? - Of course she is. This is the type of wives who cheat on their husbands and have supernatural powers in everything that concerns suggestions and mysticism. A woman - "Astra" will never make excuses to her husband or partner, she acts as the giver of her favor, because they gladly accept the gift, without thinking about what exactly it consists of. "My man may not be handsome and smart enough, but then, of course, I will not show myself with him in public …"
The fifth type - "Chrysanthemum"
"Chrysanthemum" closes the list of wives who cheat. This is the female version of Casanova. She is very decent, economic and housewife. The husband is well-groomed, the parents are healthy, the children are in the camp. The notorious "free time" is coming, which you can devote to yourself. "Chrysanthemum" suddenly realizes that, among other things, she is also a woman. And after the "epiphany" resentment wakes up that the same "well-groomed" husband seems to have forgotten about it for a long time. Then, after many hours of conversations with the best friend, a newspaper of advertisements is bought, and someone's phone number is dialed with trembling fingers. Almost at random. Then "Chrysanthemum" will begin to be tormented by remorse (how she, an exemplary wife, could cheat on her husband?). And also - to experience an agonizing desire to confess everything to your spouse. But, finally, it will calm down. "I think he also has a mistress, but it doesn't bother me very much …"