It is very important to spend as much time with your children as possible. When choosing a vacation spot, you should pay special attention to the entertainment program. It is important that the kids are interested in doing something with their parents. There are many children's entertainment centers in Odessa, so there shouldn't be any special problems with choosing a place. Actually, it doesn't really matter where you go with your children. The main thing is the bright emotions that you get from communicating with each other.

It is necessary
Free time and a little imagination
Step 1
There are many interesting places in Odessa where you can have fun with children. You can start your weekend with a trip to the dolphinarium with your child. Odessa "Nemo" works around the clock. Here you and your child will see performances of both dolphins and fur seals.
If you want to give your kids a magical evening, there are a number of unforgettable performances at the dolphinarium: fireworks during a dolphin performance and a light show. It is pleasant that the dolphinarium was built in compliance with all international standards and safety regulations. The conditions for keeping dolphins and fur seals are as close to ideal as possible. That is why such an extraordinary atmosphere reigns in the Odessa Dolphinarium, and the viewer, of course, feels it.
Step 2
Another option for a pleasant pastime with children can be a visit to the Odessa circus. Children will love the performances with trained animals. You can laugh together at the jokes of the clowns and admire the dexterity of the gymnasts. New bright emotions will certainly have a beneficial effect on the psyche of your child. After the performance, you will be able to discuss your impressions, remembering the most colorful moments. A visit to the circus will expand the children's horizons. Perhaps the kid will want to learn more about animals, working with them, or will begin to study the art of a magician. In any case, you will just have a pleasant time with your family.
Step 3
The simplest option, which does not require money, can be a walk around the city. During your short excursion, tell your child about the history of Odessa. This will not only allow you to communicate, but will also be a step in the development of your baby. During these cognitive walks, children may develop new interests. For example, your kid will want to start studying architecture, history or biography of famous people in Odessa. After the tour, you can sit in a cozy cafe and discuss what you have told and shown to your child over a milkshake. This will help him to better assimilate the information received.