Legends are made about the incomparable Odessa women, they are admired in books and films are made about them. The humor of these beautiful ladies, who have their own opinion about everything, is professional and colorful. Each phrase, spoken with a special southern temperament, becomes winged.

Odessa phenomenon
Odessa is a multi-ethnic city. Initially, it was Russian-speaking, open to different cultures. Russians, Ukrainians and Jews lived there peacefully. Such close proximity contributed to the mixing of different cultures, the flourishing and enrichment of each of them. The cultural and historical traditions of the Slavs, Western Europeans, and the inhabitants of the Mediterranean crossed over on this territory.
The combination of administrative and economic preferences given to them by the presence of the port and the city administration, with the feeling of personal freedom of the inhabitants, carefully guarded by them, is of great importance for the inhabitants of Odessa. Odessa shone as a bright star in the Russian Empire. European liberalism and economic freedom, a relatively high standard of living influenced the minds and moods of Odessa citizens.
All this was reflected in the attitude of Odessa women to their lives. Proud and independent, they are distinguished by freedom of judgment, mastery, zeal. Their sense of humor helps them with dignity to survive all the vicissitudes of their not always simple life. They share their jokes generously, finding the funny in the most ordinary situation and emerging victorious in any dispute.
Odessa language and humor
Odessans have long been famous for their ironic attitude to life. This is manifested in actions and in their oral interpretation. The comments that accompany almost every action become, at times, catch phrases and live for more than a dozen years.
The jokes of the incomparable Odessa women are very emotional. And although they have been known for a long time, their relevance has not weakened over the years. A distinctive feature of the humor of Odessa women is attention to detail, the desire to find and preserve their own benefit, the presence of the words of the "Odessa" language.
What are the features of this language?
The multiethnic population of Odessa contributed to the emergence of a special dialect that appeared during the interaction of Jews with representatives of other peoples. This specific language is distinguished by the presence of stable expressions, lexical forms and grammatical turns. For people living in other regions of our country, even a simple conversation in the "Odessa" language brings a smile. And its combination with the humor of Odessa women is truly an explosive mixture!
What are Odessa women joking about?
Answering a question with a question is a common practice in Odessa. One of the famous jokes of Odessa women is to say: "Why not, when yes?" Or, if a lady is offered the opportunity to choose, an equally brilliant answer sounds: "Oh, I don't care, if only yes …".
There are legends about the sharpness of Odessa women, based on diligence and a sense of humor. Nothing escapes a careful eye. The search for one's own benefit occurs on a subconscious level automatically. This can be clearly seen from the following joke, said in a conversation with a neighbor: "If you agree that I fry eggs in your lard, then I will allow you to cook meat in my soup."
Another classic example of saving is seen in the following dialogue between two neighbors:
- Rose, write a delicious pie recipe. 4 eggs…
- Okay, Basya, I'm writing. Take two eggs.
- Rose, why two? I'm talking about four. And do not argue. There were eight eggs in the magazine where I got the recipe from.
In jokes about money, it is not stinginess that is manifested, but prosperity, the ability to take care of finances and create a good reserve for the future. There is a joke of Odessa women about the three stages of poverty:
First stage: no money.
Second stage: no money at all.
The third stage: you have to go to change dollars.
We do not need someone else, but we will take ours, whoever it is. With this phrase, women from Odessa designate their clear vision of what is fair, in their opinion, the state of affairs. Behind all these jokes is an excellent sense of humor and the breadth of soul of incomparable Odessa women.
And how they value themselves! How they know how to present themselves, hide all the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages favorably. They are convinced that “a dress is not just a piece of cloth. The dress is created in order to cover everything on which we lose for a woman. And to open with her everything on which we win."
High self-esteem and confidence in her irresistibility accompany the woman from Odessa all her life. They are sure that it is impossible not to fall in love with them. Therefore, the next question can be considered rhetorical: "Sema, do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk again?"
The inhabitants of Odessa are happy to pass on all their worldly wisdom to their daughters. This is especially true for family life:
- An uninvited guest is better than an uninvited husband.
- Daughter, men are divided into two categories: those who can raise the sofa to the fifth floor, and those who can pay for it.
- Dear, sex in the thoughts of men is dangerous in two cases: if there is always only sex in the thoughts and if sex is always only in the thoughts …
In conversations with men, in the ability to answer not always convenient questions, Odessa women have no equal:
- Sema, when a woman talks about a reliable man's shoulder, she usually means the neck.
- Fima, iron your shirt, or they'll say sho, I'm not doing anything with you.
To the man's phrase "Everything!", Completing a useless argument, the lady easily retorts: "Everything is when the feet are cold!".
About male betrayal, sarcastic women from Odessa also have their own opinion:
- Abram, did you stare at these young people ?! Your eyelids are already barely rising!
- Dear, I saw your mistress here. And I'll tell you that this is not treason, but a wild feat!
In old age, with the acquisition of great everyday experience and wisdom, the sense of humor among Odessa women only intensifies:
- When I have already experienced all the pleasures, the only thing that can please me is the test results.
About their attitude to life and an enchanting sense of humor, Odessa women also joke:
- Whatever nonsense comes to mind, there will always be like-minded people.
- I am a creative person: I want to create, I want to get up.
- I don't want to upset you, but I'm fine.
- Smile, tomorrow will be even worse.