Often women, tormented by suspicions, rack their brains, as it were, to test the male ability to cheat. Psychologists advise you to try not to devote a lot of time to these questions, if you are not ready for a sad result and do not know what to do if your doubts turn out to be not unfounded. But if you need to know for sure, then there are several ways to find out if your man can cheat on you and if he cheated on you.

Step 1
Register a new account in ICQ, Vkontakte or Facebook. Insert a picture of a cute girl or woman he doesn't know that your man might like, and try flirting with him. Try to get him to talk, find out his attitude to cheating, ask if he is cheating on his girlfriend and how, and if he wants to repeat this experience (if the answer is yes). From such virtual conversations, you can learn a lot about how a man behaves with unfamiliar pretty women, whether he talks about having a family in his life or permanent relationships, and so on.
Step 2
If you are not satisfied with the virtual check, give him a decoy. Ask a girl you know (or an acquaintance of acquaintances, or even hire an actress, the main thing is that he does not know or see her) to get to know him and try to promote communication and continuation of acquaintance, for example, to exchange phone numbers, etc. It is best if the girl has a portable voice recorder with her, or you yourself are somewhere nearby to see everything yourself.
Step 3
Another way is to check your phone. When the husband is in the bathroom or asleep, check his call list and SMS messages. If the inspection does not work, then you can use a new service - call detailing.
Step 4
Do not forget about the computer as well - if it does not have a password, go and check the sites that your husband visits, they may be completely innocent, and perhaps not.
Step 5
Whichever method you choose, think about whether you need information about his betrayal, are you ready to accept it calmly? If not, what do you intend to do? Breake down? Arrange a scandal for him? Confess that you spied on him and set traps for him? Are you willing to take ethically questionable actions just in order to know the truth, which may break your heart? Or maybe it’s better not?