The problem of fathers and children has always existed, and still it is one of the most difficult aspects in family relationships. As soon as a child enters adolescence, he begins more or less serious conflicts with his parents, in which both the parents themselves, who do not understand the needs of the child at this age, and the child who does not know how to approach the parents and evoke their understanding. It is very important to make your home a place where mutual understanding and harmony prevail. For this, the relationship between children and parents must be normalized in order to avoid conflicts and resolve issues together.

Step 1
It is best to treat your parents as friends who are always ready to support, but, nevertheless, have decisive authority in the family. By respecting your parents, you will inspire respect for yourself, and in turn, parents who want respect from a child should respect a full-fledged and original personality in him.
Step 2
Quarrels and disagreements with parents happen in every teenager, and you need to be able to cope with this misunderstanding. Realize that your parents are people who gave you life and sacrificed many for you, and even if it seems to you that at the moment they are indifferent to you, this is not so. Your parents always love you, no matter who you are.
Step 3
When making complaints to your parents, remember that you are not perfect - just like them. Therefore, you should not ignore the requests of the parents. Treat them with the utmost respect and respect.
Step 4
Regardless, your parents have a fundamental say in the home - their opinion is decisive until the child comes of age. Respect your parents' authority and they will respect your rights. Regardless of your differences, remember your love and appreciation for your parents.
Step 5
In some cases, showing respect to parents is not easy - for example, when they do not fulfill their parental duties, lead the wrong lifestyle, affect the child badly and do not take care of his upbringing. However, these parents, whatever they may be, raised you - which means they also deserve respect.
Step 6
Do not push them away, but try to understand what they lacked in life, and why they treat you worse than you would like. Even the worst parents give their child care and protection - remember this.
Step 7
When resolving disputes and conflicts with parents, do not make scenes and do not raise your voice. A calm and constructive discussion will bring more results than an exchange of complaints and curses.
Step 8
Learn to forgive your parents, remember that in addition to their weaknesses, they have a lot of good qualities.
Step 9
Learn to reconcile - give parents the right to make mistakes, meet them halfway, show love and care.
Step 10
Remember that your parents are worried about you and your future, and therefore they are trying to impose some kind of restrictions on you, doing it the way they can. Respect the experience of your parents and combine it with your own life experience, and also respect their feelings and desires.
Step 11
Don't just think about yourself - pay attention to your parents' needs and dreams, and be helpful and empathetic whenever possible.
Step 12
Try to communicate more with your parents, share with them the news from your life - even if in some way they do not understand you, your sociability will be a good step towards restoring a favorable relationship.