Some girls believe that their beloved boyfriend must be courageous, not touchy, and created only to indulge their whims and weaknesses. In fact, this is not the case. Men also have their weaknesses, they just know how to endure women's whims with courage. But sometimes patience comes to an end and there comes a sad denouement - a quarrel. If you and your young man quarreled not in jest, but for real, it is important to find out the reason for the quarrel as soon as possible and make peace.

So that the quarrel does not come to parting
People sometimes quarrel with each other. But after any quarrel, a guy or a girl must definitely put up. The most popular way to make peace with a loved one is to sincerely apologize to him. If you apologize sincerely while giving a good speech, chances are you will receive his forgiveness.
Try to make an apology so that your speech really says that you are sorry for what you did. If you want to make up, and not completely quarrel, in no case say that your boyfriend is to blame for what happened.
Another way to reconcile with a guy is to send SMS. Write to him that you miss him and, as a reconciliation, make him an invitation to a restaurant. You can try downloading different short poems from the Internet and sending them to your boyfriend. If you want to be original, use a regular letter instead of SMS.
If your boyfriend flares up, leave him alone for a while, let him cool down a bit and analyze the situation himself. This can take an hour, a day, or maybe several days. Behave with restraint and wisdom, without asking obsessive questions: “Where are you? Why don't you talk to me? Have you stopped loving me? During this time, look at your quarrel with his eyes, assess the correct situation. Maybe this is a fleeting outburst of anger, or you touched a sore subject or offended him with a word, behavior? Do you feel guilty? Look for ways to reconcile.
Simple but magical word "sorry"
Indeed, everything can be solved in one word. It is enough to hug your loved one and admit your guilt. Unfortunately, not all fights are resolved so easily. You can go for a little feminine trick and present your boyfriend with a long-awaited surprise. And let it be the most awkward gift, but your goal is to achieve at least a smile from your beloved. Invite your boyfriend over to a romantic dinner during which you will apologize. Present your surprise and say that you don't want to fight anymore. Don't be afraid to talk openly about your feelings to your loved one. Such an evening usually has a romantic continuation, which will bind your warm relationship more tightly. Take the utmost care of your boyfriend. He should feel that you are no less upset than him by the quarrel and want an early reconciliation. The main thing in a relationship between two is mutual understanding and dialogue. After all, everything can be clarified with the help of a calm and sometimes stormy discussion of the problem.
Each dialogue should involve both parties and it does not matter who is the initiator of the dispute. It is important that you listen and be heard. This is how you study each other.
If your boyfriend is dear to you, in the future try not to make mistakes that provoke quarrels.