Is Family A Necessity?

Is Family A Necessity?
Is Family A Necessity?

A happy family is not only a unit of society, it makes an invaluable contribution to the upbringing of a new generation, culture and society. Every person needs a family, no matter what wealth and social status they have.

Is family a necessity?
Is family a necessity?

Family as a necessity of society

Sociology views the family as a small social group, where each of the members is linked to each other by love and family relationships. Families are distinguished by a community of connections and life, which takes root for members of each family for a long time.

The family is one of the most important social institutions in modern society. This is due to the fact that it has an educational function, reproductive, recreational, adaptive, economic and some other functions.

1. The reproductive function of the family is expressed in the birth of children. The birth of a new person is not just an incredible happiness for parents, but in general for society and the state. A new member of society has appeared, who, over time, will acquire legal duties and rights, will be able to contribute to the development of the entire society.

2. The educational function provides children with the very first social experience. When communicating with parents, adopting values and norms from them, children lay in themselves examples of behavior, mental abilities, character.

3. The economic function ensures the formation of the family's budget and the distribution of funds for food, education, utility bills, the purchase of property and other necessary things for the family.

4. The family participates in the formation of economic demand for services and goods. Fees, taxes, duties are paid, the state budget is created.

5. The adaptive function is associated with educational. Without the direction of parents and older relatives, the adaptation of new members of society in a diverse environment would be impossible. The child develops an understanding of what is good and what is bad.

6. Recreation in the family is conditioned by the fact that a person can relax, rest, share his experiences and problems with other family members, get moral support from them.

The importance of the family

Not a single nation, not a single society in the civilized world can do without a family. Both the immediate and distant future of modern society cannot be imagined without a family. For every person, the family is the beginning of beginnings. Almost every person associates the concept of happiness, first of all, with the family: happy is the one who feels good in his home.

The importance of the family cannot be overstated. Family relationships are a guarantee of calmness, stability, self-confidence and confidence in the future for each of its members. People, between whom there is a relationship that is stronger than just friendship, are confident in each other and in themselves. If something goes wrong in their life, then they have someone to turn to for help.
