The question of whether to call a mother-in-law a mother worries almost every daughter-in-law. And this is not surprising. After all, you need to somehow address the person with whom you will coexist. And not every mother-in-law wants to be called by name and patronymic.

The situation determines
Not all couples can afford their own home, so they have to live with a parent. The choice can fall on both the wife's family and the husband's relatives. But what if you have to live with your mother-in-law?
As a rule, the question of what to call the husband's mother arises less often among those couples who live separately from their parents. In such a situation, meetings of the daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law are very rare, therefore, they do not think much about the manner of treatment. The situation becomes more complicated if the couple lives with the husband's parents.
For some girls, it is not difficult to call a mother-in-law a mother. But, on the other hand, the husband's mother is a completely stranger to his wife. Therefore, some daughters-in-law find it difficult to call their mother-in-law that way. But the main problem is not only this.
Reasons why daughters-in-law do not call mother-in-law mom
For a girl, there is no guarantee that her husband's mother will want to be called that. There are few such cases, but they do occur. Fathers-in-law treat such situations much easier, so it is easier with them than with mothers.
You can also refer to your husband's mother by name and patronymic. However, this can lead to omissions and conflicts in the future. Such an official address sounds cold at least. Based on this, we can conclude that the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law will not be warm either.
Solution to the problem
To resolve the issue, you can ask your husband for help. He knows his own mother better than his wife, so he can discuss with her everything that concerns the future appeal of his beloved woman to her. The girl herself can take such a step, but who can guarantee that she will hear a sincere answer?
If the mother-in-law knows that the daughter-in-law is concerned about such a question, this will raise her in the eyes of the husband's mother. The very fact speaks for the manifestation of concern and respect for the "new mother". The mother-in-law will know that the girl cares about her comfort.
If it is still difficult for a girl to call a mother who is essentially a stranger to her, again, it is worth involving her husband. Let him ask his mother to give his wife some time to get used to the new relative. If the mother-in-law is a completely sane person, she will allow the daughter-in-law to call herself for the time being as she is convenient.
Deciding whether to call a mother-in-law a mother is far from the most difficult task. A competent approach to solving the problem will allow you to achieve a positive result that will suit both parties.