Some women fall in love with an unfree man who is already married. The girls are suffering, waiting and hoping for a happy ending to the story. But if nothing has changed over the years, the ladies still decide to break off meaningless relationships and let go of someone else's husband.

Step 1
Think carefully about your separation decision. Make sure it was not taken under the influence of emotion. Argument him, write down all the arguments on a piece of paper, because this list will still be useful to you.
Step 2
Talk to a man. Make an appointment not in your apartment, but in neutral territory. Do not hug when you meet, do not kiss, sit down and speak directly about your decision. Perhaps he will try to convince you and promise to leave the family. You can either trust him by giving him some time to leave, or you can end this constant waiting for rejection. If you decide to leave, ask the man not to write, not to call, not to seek a meeting with you.
Step 3
Accept the fact that you will no longer be together. Do not harbor hope for your happy reunion and do not torment yourself with doubts about the correct decision. Start a new life in which you will be happy without this man.
Step 4
Cross it out of your life. If you work together, try to see each other less often, or at least not keep up the conversation. Remove all his phones and contacts from social networks. Remove photographs, mementos, and anything that reminds you of your lover from prominent places.
Step 5
Try to distract yourself from gloomy thoughts and find something to do for yourself. Take a week's vacation, travel to another country, develop and enjoy life. If there is no way to leave, relax in the city. Go to cinemas, theaters, museums, or clubs.
Step 6
Ask friends for support. First, speak out your grief and worries to your best friends. Spend time with good friends more often, who can cheer you up and know how to really have fun.
Step 7
Don't go back to a married man. Do not write to him, do not ask for a last meeting, and do not respond to his suggestions. In difficult moments, remember your suffering, the agonizing expectation of a meeting and his constant excuses. If he really loves you, he will leave his wife to be with you.