Whether you are a man or a woman, married or not, it doesn't really matter. Everyone wants understanding the same way. Due to human selfishness, many do not think about a partner. Try to build your relationship initially correctly. No one will try to understand you against your will or without your participation. You understand - you are understood. Everything is logical enough.

It turns out that in order to be understood, you need to show yourself:
- patience;
- openness;
- sensitivity.
1. Let's talk. Build relationships from the beginning in such a way that the main thing in them is conversations. Avoid quarrels, reproaches, showdown, scandals, accusations. Otherwise, you can only turn against each other. Replace it all with conversation. Yes, it may be a little boring, but it will save your nerves and relationships. In a conversation, both partners have the opportunity to speak and understand each other.
2. Don't hide it. Feel free to describe your feelings to your partner, do not hide them. Everything that is concealed spills out into a huge lump at the most inopportune moment. If you can freely express your feelings to your partner, this already means that you are not afraid to be misunderstood and trust this person.
3. Now it's his turn. Hear your partner back.
- Don't cut off your partner's monologue about your shortcomings as a lie. If he heard bad things about himself, please do the same.
- Discard all stereotypes of the form: you are a rag, not a man; what do you, woman, understand, and so on. Understand that the inner world does not depend on a person's gender. A man can also be vulnerable.
- Do not doubt your partner's problems. Since he asks you to listen to him, then he cares about it.
- Don't diminish your partner's problems in comparison to yours. "What are your problems, here are my problems, you better listen to me!"
- Don't interrupt or humiliate each other. Your conversation is not an argument based on bickering and insults.
- Sometimes the reason for misunderstanding is a person who does not share your feelings. Remember to objectively evaluate your relationship from time to time.
- Men are more likely to experience everything within themselves, so more often a girl needs to take the first step. This is the first step to be understood!