The ability to rationally and effectively use one's potential in work does not appear in a person from the very birth. This is the result of parents' long work in the field of labor education. It is labor education that develops such personality traits as working capacity, productivity, stress resistance, responsibility.

One of the most important aspects of education is formation and development. Labor contributes to the intellectual, physical and moral development of the child. As a result of this type of upbringing, the child realizes the importance of socially useful activity, the need to create an action plan to achieve his goal, and also forms qualities useful for life and productive work.
The foundation of all these skills and knowledge is laid even in preschool age. The child begins to feel his independence and seeks to demonstrate it. One of the most important tasks of labor education in preschool age is the reinforcement of industriousness from its earliest manifestations. The first sign can be considered a crisis of three years, when every child's action is accompanied by a phrase like "myself!" (from about 3 years old). It is from this period that labor education can begin.
By the age of 6-7 years, the child should have formed the following aspects of labor activity:
- Awareness of the goal, drawing up an activity plan adequate to the situation, and striving for a certain result;
- Positive emotions while doing work;
- Respect for the tools, materials, property, etc.;
- Adequate criticism of the results achieved.
Ways to develop labor activity
- Supervision of adults. The imitation mechanism takes a significant place in education. Parental behavior is an example that a child, without even realizing it, follows all his life. Children learn the need for socially useful work, a negative or positive attitude to work, the value of the results of someone else's and their own work.
- Artistic techniques. Books, films and cartoons often stimulate children's motivation to work and be like their favorite hero. Of course, specific skills are rarely formed in this way, but motivation and getting started is often the most difficult part of any job. It is important to choose the right literature and programs so that the crumbs have a worthy example to follow.
- Work. The development of a skill is impossible without its use, therefore, labor actions also need to be trained in practice. In the case of preschool children, any actions and situations can be simulated using a game. In addition, the child can be given the lightest and most insignificant household tasks. It doesn't matter how much this help is needed or how well the baby does it, but your very request for help in the future will help him a lot.
The character of an adult begins to form from birth. Help the little one in assimilating the value of labor, praise him for his achievements, so that in the future productive activity will be given to him with great pleasure.