Emotion is a process that takes place in the human psyche, which reflects a person's attitude to the world around him and to himself. A person's emotions determine his mood for a variety of events in life. They are the prism through which the world appears to be either cold and hostile, or benevolent and open. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop it from the very first years, from the preschool period.

According to academician, psychologist M. E. Litvak, the ratio of positive to negative emotions should be 7: 1 due to the fact that our brain is programmed this way. Each negative emotion must be "blocked" by a family of positive ones, otherwise the psychological state of a person, and of a child in particular, will inevitably suffer. Indeed, at the age of up to 5-7 years, the formation of the psyche takes place, especially up to 5 years. As you can see, the leading role in this process belongs to the parents. It is they who in most cases determine those conditions, favorable or not, that have an impact on their child.
Arouse interest
How to develop the emotions of a preschooler in a positive way? First, you need to arouse interest in developing activities. Not only parents, but also the child himself should be interested in modeling, applique, coloring, designing, drawing, learning numbers and the alphabet. Interest not only makes the class fun, but most importantly, it helps develop a sustainable skill. A prolonged lack of interest, on the contrary, has a destructive effect on the brain (according to M. E. Litvak).
Evoke joy
The next emotion that develops a preschooler is joy. It's more difficult with her. It is difficult to evoke joy on purpose; it appears unexpectedly. Parents should try to organize the conditions for the emergence of this joy. New impressions will help with this. Explore places in your city that you have not yet explored, visit a puppet theater, a museum, an unusual exhibition, take you to the zoo, to an amusement park, visit friends and relatives who are always glad to see you - the child will receive a lot of positive emotions, feel his importance. Joy helps the child develop responsiveness and communication (according to Tomkins). She also gives a feeling of confidence that the baby is loved by others (according to K. Izard).
Minimize fear
In order for the emotional sphere to develop safely, it is necessary to reduce the emotion of fear to a minimum (it is necessary only in life-threatening cases). And here are various intimidations of a child with babies, big injections that a doctor will give to a capricious kid, police officers who will take a bully, etc. will not lead to anything good. Fear is considered a very dangerous emotion, even leading to death. Eliminate unpleasant moments in your child's life. Remember that fear can hide behind the mask of shyness, excessive obsequiousness, gentleness. Only lack of self-confidence can lead to such anxieties. Reduce anxiety to a healthy (7: 1) ratio.