Each parent understands that by giving only verbal instructions, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect from your child. At least, such tactics will work for the time being, and then they will gradually begin to lose their power. Many of us think that it is with words that hard work should be brought up in a child. Let's see if this is so.

In early childhood, the baby is very active. And sometimes, accustoming him to work, we simply direct his restless energy in the right direction. In addition, by completing simple assignments, the child learns to overcome difficulties, learns perseverance, patience. But at the same time, one should not demand and expect too much seriousness at this age. You need to understand that even an adult person is not always hardworking and responsible in performing any tasks. Therefore, trying to teach a child, you need to patiently and persistently point out to him the flaws. Irritation and being too demanding will only push him away.
Where to start?
At two years old, babies are already trying to dress themselves. Most likely, it will take more than one year for a child to properly tie his laces or button up his shirt with all the buttons, but simple assignments, such as putting on a hat or a jacket, he can already do himself. A five to six year old child can help clean the house or yard. You just need to motivate him and help if something does not work out, since failures can discourage him. And in any case, do not rush the baby, be patient. "Hurry up", "eat up faster." This attitude gradually begins to cause stubbornness and protest in the child. And instead of doing everything well, the child begins to dig in spite, causing even more irritation to the parents.
Naturally, the child's capabilities must also be taken into account. Excessive physical activity can provoke wasting or curvature of the spine. Therefore, do not force your 6-7 year old to carry heavy things. It will not lead to anything good.
It is important to instill in the child a love of work, the desire to achieve success in any business. And he will enjoy it. And, as you know, what we like to do, we do over and over again.
How can this be achieved?
Work for a preschooler is often just an attempt to imitate what adults do. Get creative and turn what you do into a game. For example, cleaning up toys can be thought of as putting all the toys to bed. Cars can be driven into the "garage". The child will be addicted to this game, and you will have a good time for both of you. But excessive pressure can be harmful, so everything should be done gradually.
It is important to show the child that his work is very important. For example, if you are doing laundry, suggest that he wash the doll's clothes. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the baby does this carefully and makes sure that the linen is clean. If it didn't work out the first time, praise and reassure him: “don't worry, tomorrow it will be even better”. This will keep your child happy with the work done.
The mistakes we make
Never teach your child to work from time to time. Create a "list" of responsibilities for him. Let him, for example, have to make his bed every day or sweep the floor in the apartment. Such assignments will instill in him responsibility, conscientiousness, and discipline. But this is very useful to him in adulthood.
Some parents justify the child's lack of labor education by the fact that they do not have time for this. They often strive to do this or that work themselves, since they believe that the child will do the same for much longer. Such an attitude will only develop laziness, irritating adults. But if you show patience and still give the baby to prove himself, then already at the age of three or four years your baby will wear tights, put on shoes, without requiring help and without throwing tantrums.