Should I Interfere With Children's Quarrels?

Should I Interfere With Children's Quarrels?
Should I Interfere With Children's Quarrels?

What to do if children are fighting - intervene or leave them alone. This question worries many parents. Let's try to answer it.

Should I interfere with children's quarrels?
Should I interfere with children's quarrels?

Many parents declare that it is not worth interfering when children quarrel, because without the mediation of adults, children learn to communicate faster, get out of difficult situations, compromise or defend their point of view, that is, they become more independent.

It is worth remembering that all of the above cannot be learned quickly. People acquire diplomatic skills for years, therefore, it is necessary to teach a child to get out of a conflict situation correctly, helping him, and not to leave every child's quarrel.

First, it is necessary to intervene if the children cannot agree and began to resolve the conflict by fighting. Separate the children, if a fight has begun, calm them down, try to explain that any business can be solved peacefully, no offense.

Secondly, remember that children will have fewer conflicts in their family or with friends if they have the opportunity to spend their leisure time in an interesting way. This is how they best learn to act collectively, negotiate and act as a team.

Only in those families where children's leisure is organized, they know how to communicate without fights and violence, but where there is only room for lectures about the fact that all family members should love each other, interact fruitfully and respect each other, children will not learn never.
