Reasons For Poor Child Behavior In The Family

Reasons For Poor Child Behavior In The Family
Reasons For Poor Child Behavior In The Family

Throughout the ages, the main task of parents has been to raise their child as a full-fledged harmonious personality. From the moment the baby is born, the dominant model of behavior in the family is chosen, which will help to get as close as possible to achieving the goal.

Reasons for poor child behavior in the family
Reasons for poor child behavior in the family

Overly strict parents appear in society, depriving their child of attention. "All allowing", who at a certain point in time lose control over the children and sincerely do not understand what caused this. As a result, as soon as the children grow up a little, controversial situations begin to arise in the family, caused by the bad behavior of the younger generation. The dominant catalyst for child misbehavior is family relationships. You can find out the causal relationship with a more detailed analysis of the aspects of child disobedience.


Loud, tearing cry of a child for no apparent reason. The main goal of the child is to manipulate the parents. Such a behavioral feature is characteristic of children who are insecure in themselves, who thus seek to force loved ones to be always with them. This is due to the immense care and, as a result, the child's fear to take independent steps in the process of studying the environment. Initially, it is worth a little physically distance from the child, since pity will stimulate his insecurity. Belief in the baby on the part of all household members, praise for the most insignificant actions and the absence of criticism will lead to a fairly rapid change in the child's behavior.

Aggression, verbal bullying. These are signs of a child's inner pain on a psychological level. By touching adults and causing them suffering, he rewards them for the inability to open up and share their experiences. Lack of trust between family members is a major aspect of this process. Parental care, accompanied by friendly conversations about the inner world of the child, will help the child protect himself from his pain and correct his condition.

Behavior of the "smart guy", endless wrangling. The driving force is to earn the love of your parents. The manifestation is provoked by a lack of attention to the child, thereby he is trying to prove his importance in the family in any way, even in a negative way. More frequent hugs and involvement in all family discussions are sufficient to give the child a sense of being recognized as an equal family member.

It is worth noting that punishing children in all situations will only aggravate relations in the family, since the child pursues goals that are right for himself and will regard this as a challenge to fight. Only mutual understanding and tracking of all the prerequisites for behavioral changes will help to avoid punishment and improve the atmosphere in the family.
