As adolescence begins, many children tend to separate from their parents. Someone starts working part-time in their free time to prove to everyone that they are already an adult. And someone chooses a different path - he leaves home and does not appear there for days.

Step 1
Initially, there is nothing wrong with the fact that a child spends a lot of time on the street. Many parents tend to exaggerate and begin to believe that their son got out of hand, does not appear at home and became a lost person if in the evenings he plays football with friends instead of ceremoniously spending time with his family. Accept that your child now needs more freedom.
Step 2
However, it is also possible that your child is busy with far from harmless entertainment outside the home. Young people first try cigarettes, alcohol and drugs during adolescence, trying to prove to each other their independence. It is pointless to rush at the child with threats, you are to blame for this. And now you will have to restore a trusting relationship with your son step by step in order to return the teenager to the family. Pressing, shouting and locking the young man at home will also have no effect. Your weapon can only be words - beliefs, requests, reasonable arguments.
Step 3
In order for a child to return home, he must be interested there. Think about what your grown-up child lacks in your company, what he is looking for on the side. Perhaps he is chasing new sensations. Offer to make a joint trip to a ski resort (but never insist). Do you think that friends are replacing his family? Remember the last time you yourself spoke to your child, listened to his problems, gave advice.
Step 4
Many young people leave the family in order to live with their beloved. This can happen at the wrong, in the opinion of the parents, age, and with the wrong person. Even if it seems to you that your child is making a terrible mistake, let him act as he sees fit. You can only try to improve relations with the chosen one of the child, so as not to lose sight of the young completely. If you were right and the teenager really made a mistake by leaving home, he will come back to you.