You have a happy family - a husband, a son and you. But your little child does not know that his dad is not taking care of him all this time. And how to explain this to the boy, while evil tongues did not manage to convey to him a perverted version of events?

Step 1
Build your child's trust. Before starting such a frank conversation, you must be sure that he will take your version of events as the truth. But remember that it is categorically dangerous to lie to him. That is, if you want to change part of the version, then try not to deviate too much from the truth. Any action can be given both positive and negative characteristics. However, it will be better for the child if your version of events is as neutral as possible.
Step 2
Wait for a convenient moment and setting. It can be arranged in person. At this point, the child should not be very busy with something. Or the boy's games should be such that they could be stopped at any time. Get rid of all distractions like your TV, computer, and phone. They should not distract not only him, but also you.
Step 3
Tell us about yourself. Not much, but the child should feel your sincerity and desire to share something intimate with him.
Step 4
Explain that adults have problems and difficult relationships. It is better if you can give examples on something he understands.
Step 5
Try to explain to your child the reasons for doing when parents leave their own children. Do not seek to give this event a negative connotation. As a counterbalance, tell him about the existence of stepfathers and stepmothers.
Step 6
Tell your son the truth about his father. If there are criminal details or immoral moments in this truth, then omit them. You will still have time in ten years to return to this conversation.
Step 7
Tell us as much good as possible about your stepfather. After all, your son will then live next to him and call him dad.
Step 8
Let your child comprehend everything you hear. Let him know what is dear to you and your husband. Don't put pressure on him. The little man himself will make all the correct conclusions. In addition, he will appreciate the level of your trust in him. Done right, this conversation can serve as a strong link between your family members.