Each mother and father has their own way of raising a son. One of the universal ones is joint activities: sports, hobbies, games, etc. A great kind of joint activities is father-and-son cycling.

For cycling, you don't need expensive bicycles and super-equipment (although, of course, if there are opportunities for this, then please!). To get started, get two bicycles - for yourself and for your son.
Choose a bike based on your preferences; but in general, regular walking bikes will do. These can be models without modern options, with 10-15 speeds, etc. The simpler the bike, the less hassle with it. At the end of the day, you have to ride your bike and enjoy it, not think about what can happen to a complex modern and multi-speed design. And the question of safety and security from theft has not been canceled - the more expensive the bike, the more exciting it will be for you all the moments when you have to part with it.
It is desirable that the son also participate in the purchase process. This is important for the unity of the father with the son, for the son to realize his importance. This is a moment of responsibility for a child - he makes a choice himself, he is an "adult", his opinion is listened to.
After purchasing, plan your first bike ride. Take a small backpack with you. Put a bottle of water in it, a couple of sandwiches.
Go for a walk on a fine day, in the daytime. Choose a convenient and safe route: park, sidewalk, river bank, forest or field path. It doesn't have to be a physically demanding exercise - let the walk be a pleasure. Don't move very fast, don't be in a hurry. It is better to be able to talk a little while driving.
Set a goal. Move as you walk towards her. For example, the target might be a park bench, or a fountain, or a pond, or a river. Having reached the goal - stop, take a break. Drink water, snack. Buy ice cream (as an option!) Talk to your son, discuss the trip, praise him for his endurance, attentiveness, etc.
After resting, start moving in the opposite direction. Remember safety.
The result is a great mood, emotions, physical activity, communication with the son, as an element of upbringing.