How To Sign A Postcard To Your Beloved

How To Sign A Postcard To Your Beloved
How To Sign A Postcard To Your Beloved

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A woman loves with her ears. And the words written by the hand of a beloved man, perhaps, will remain with a woman not only in the recesses of her soul, but also in some cherished box. And after reading the words of love, after many years, the heart of every woman will certainly tremble, and a slight smile will touch her lips. Not every man can be a poet, but any loving person can put his soul into a few lines.

How to sign a postcard to your beloved
How to sign a postcard to your beloved


Step 1

Choose a postcard that you would like to present to your girlfriend. It is better that the postcard itself is also something memorable. This may be one of the original postcards that can be found on sale today, you can make a custom postcard, but your girlfriend will not only be touched, but amazed if you can make a postcard with your own hands. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and if you do not consider yourself a creative person and it is rather difficult for you to come up with your own postcard, then you can purchase ready-made scrapbooking kits in the appropriate stores.

Step 2

Don't be trivial. You should not put your signature under the text drawn up on the finished printed postcard. If you liked a postcard that has a fairly voluminous ready-made text, the content of which completely coincides with your thoughts, it would be better if you somehow try to finalize this postcard. To do this, you can make a tab in it, where you can write a few words from yourself. Perhaps the text on this tab should begin with words like "Darling, I could not have said better …". By highlighting your own message graphically, for example, using a special color or drawing something, you will make it the highlight of such a postcard.

Step 3

Use the words of love spoken by one of the greats. Searching for such a poem or saying will give you real pleasure, you will learn many wonderful examples of self-expression in that wonderful state, which is called love. By rereading these lines, choosing something in tune with your own mood, you will delight and enrich your own soul. When rewriting the classic lines, include the author's name in the upper right corner of the postcard, and your own initials under the caption "With love!" should be followed at the end of the quote.

Step 4

Discover the talent of a poet. Try rhyming a few lines about your beloved. If you yourself like what you have written, feel free to enter your poem into a postcard.

Step 5

Write simple, soulful words that you are not so often used to paying attention to in everyday life. Talk to your loved one. Words coming from the heart are always sincere and defenseless. A postcard signed this way will be truly touching.
