If you want to give your loved one the highest pleasure, Lingam massage is exactly what you need! Such a massage, playing the role of a delightful foreplay, will not only give your partner an unforgettable pleasure, but also have a healing effect on him - enhance sexual function and strengthen the reproductive system of his body.

What is Lingam massage
This type of massage was first used in Indian and Chinese cultures. Translated from the ancient Indian language - Sanskrit - "Lingam" means a male genital organ, the literal translation of this word sounds like a "rod of light". In tantra, the Lingam occupies a special niche and represents a source of pure energy and the highest pleasure.
Lingam massage is a massage of the penis, which includes a complex of massage movements that improve and enhance sexual performance, strengthen the reproductive system and awaken sexual energy. In addition, the massage complex includes not only massage of the penis, but also of the testicles, the mysterious G-point and the man's perineum.
Some use this method as a safe sex, others - for a variety of intimate part of life, but the main purpose of such a massage is to teach a man to completely relax, relieve him of stress and give him new sensations. Orgasm is not the end point, but it can be a wonderful bonus.
Lingam massage: technique of execution
To independently master the skills of performing Lingam massage, you will need 20-30 minutes for the theoretical part and a man who would trust you for practical exercises.
This massage takes place in three stages:
Stage 1 - preparatory. Ask your partner to take a bath or shower for a good amount of relaxation. A man's breathing should be deep and moderate. You should do the same, because your mood during the massage will be transmitted to your partner.
Stage 2 is the main one. Invite the man to lie on his back, place several pillows under his head. Sit yourself between his legs. Moisten your hands with a special oil or water-based lubricant before starting the massage. The massage begins with a light stroking of the Lingam, moving on to massaging the testicles, pubis and perineum.
The basic rule in this massage is slow, gentle and sensual movements. Next, move on to massaging the trunk of the Lingam, alternating between slow and fast paces, compression and relaxation. Climbing up the trunk, proceed to massage the head of the penis. Lightly stroke back to the perineum.
If you feel that your partner is ready for a complete "release", take a few minutes to let his arousal pass. Then you can continue with the massage.
After a short pause, find the G-spot and start massaging. You can massage the cherished point in two ways:
1. Having found the coveted place between the testicles and the anus (a small depression the size of a pea is the G-spot), lightly press on it and gently press. At first, a man may feel slightly unpleasant, painful sensations. However, with each press, this inconvenience will pass and be replaced by pleasure. In the future, this point will be able to increase the intensity of the male orgasm. While stimulating the G-spot with your left hand, continue to massage the Lingam with your right hand.
Typically, a Lingam massage ends with an orgasm.
2. Stimulation through the anus. This massage breaks all stereotypes, and most men experience discomfort when penetrating. That is why it is necessary to act slowly, sensitively, carefully, while using a large amount of lubricant. Insert your finger 2 cm and bend it with a crochet hook, as if beckoning someone. You should feel the prostate under your finger. Press on it with massage movements alternating the force of pressure and the speed of stimulation.
Stage 3 - final. After the end of the erotic procedure, do not fuss, but lie down next to your man and lightly stroke his body. Let him feel the serenity and the highest degree of happiness from the pleasure received!