Intimate relationships are one of the main components of family life. The success of family life depends on how much the partners match each other in an intimate sense.

It is unlikely that, apart from intimate relationships in the family, there will be another topic that will be so burning, will excite so much every couple and because of which there will be so many divorces and discrepancies in the family.
Intimacy is a topic so delicate that only partners can talk about it, behind a few closed doors. Nobody should know about this, not even parents. Any problems in the field of intimate relationships are a subject for investigation only among partners.
Very often, intimate relationships become the main reason for divorce. This happens because the partners do not match each other sexually, but, wanting to save the family, they do not admit this to each other and do not look for ways out of the situation together. As a result, mutual irritation accumulates, which, accordingly, leads to various kinds of conflicts. If the participants in the relationship do not know how or have not acquired sufficient experience in getting out of such situations, then divorce is practically inevitable.
The other side of intimate relationships is the medical issue. Here the proverb “trust, but verify” dominates entirely. Even if partners have been living together for a long time, a medical examination simply cannot be superfluous. Some sexually transmitted diseases pass in such a form that it is unrealistic to notice them. A person is a carrier of infection, can infect others, but he does not know about it. And it is undesirable to conceive a child to a woman who has any kind of infection. That is why a medical examination is a mandatory event that both partners must go to, each to his own doctor.
It can be said without exaggeration that the intimate side of family relationships is one of the main, along with financial. As already mentioned, a fairly large number of couples get divorced due to the fact that it was in this area that they did not manage to find common points of contact.
In order to find common ground in this so delicate issue, it is necessary to show great tact, endurance and boundless mutual understanding. Of course, everything that will be said about intimate relationships between partners should remain only between them, and under no circumstances should be taken out of their territory.