The desire of a woman to become the best and most beloved for her husband is natural. This is both peace in the family and a guarantee that the spouse will not "look to the left." And a good husband, seeing the aspirations of his woman, will also want to become the best for her.

Step 1
Give your husband as much attention as possible. Take care of yourself and your appearance. Dress up for him more often, do a variety of hairstyles, do not forget about makeup. Every day a husband should see that his wife is the most beautiful. And, of course, watch your figure. If the spouse has married a slender girl, it will be unpleasant for him to see her very plump in a few years.
Step 2
Continuously improve your culinary skills. Finding new recipes using literature or the Internet is pretty easy. Love to cook, don't be afraid to experiment. Remember that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Your beloved will definitely appreciate your efforts, because not everyone can do that.
Step 3
Put your man first and girlfriends and friends second. A man should feel that he is in a leading position in the family. Get used to your spouse's hobbies and interests. Show interest, participate in them. The only exception can be what you are really not interested in.
Step 4
Show wisdom in your daily activities and concerns. If scattered things annoy you, then for a man it can be a trifle. Do not conflict over this and do not get annoyed. Try to become your husband's best friend so that he can trust you with all his secrets. Trust your man, support him and comfort him in difficult times.
Step 5
Forget about scandals and conflicts in the family. Even in those cases when they are one hundred percent sure that they are right. Try to solve all problems peacefully, through negotiations and persuasion. Do not be annoying when you see that your husband needs to be alone with his thoughts. Take care of your husband like a child. Feeling your concern, he may also want to bring you coffee in bed.
Step 6
Take care of the intimate side of life together. Buy yourself sexy lingerie, figure out your spouse's sexual desires, and try to fulfill them for him. Naturally, those that do not run counter to moral norms and do not harm health. Perhaps, having suffered once or twice, you will find something that will please both. Don't fool your husband by faking pleasure and orgasm.
Step 7
Try to deny your husband sex as little as possible. Go to meet all the experiments in sex life that he offers. Suggest something yourself. Sometimes take the initiative in sex into your own hands, men sometimes like to be "raped" by a woman. Feel free to explain to him how and what to do to achieve your orgasm. In response, he will tell you how best to satisfy him.