The birth of a child has moved from the Miracle section to the Planning section. Now you can determine in advance the sign of the zodiac, the exact date of birth, genetic background, and even choose the gender of the child.

Step 1
The decision to have a baby is one of the most important decisions in your life. From this moment on, you will think about yourself in the second place and try to give a lot to your child. You have not yet become pregnant, but you can already imagine the baby, his eyes, little hands, dimples on the cheeks. And of course, you have already decided on the gender of the child.
All methods of conception can be conditionally divided into groups:
1. Artificial
2. Verified by parents, but not confirmed by research
3. Estimated
Step 2
Artificial methods include:
The American method of sorting and isolating sperm of the required sex - about 90% reliability for girls and 70% for boys. Preimplantation genetic diagnostics - 100% reliability. If the choice of gender is fundamental, it is best to resort to these methods, they are the most reliable.
Step 3
All of the methods listed below are rather advisory. They work in most cases, but they are not guaranteed. They are not confirmed by research, and geneticists look at them with skepticism. Nevertheless, many couples use and confirm the effectiveness of the methods. Their result depends on many factors: the health of the parents, the correct timing, taking into account all the risks.
Step 4
1. Conception focused on the day of ovulation. If you want a girl, carry out fertilization 2-3 days in advance and do not have sex anymore. A boy is required - on the day of ovulation.
2. Abstain from sex for 2-3 months. The baby will be the result. Better yet, put your partner under stress.
3. Place a scarf or cap before fertilization to conceive a girl or a boy, respectively.
4. Begin dieting 2-3 months before conception. Sodium-potassium to give birth to a boy and calcium-magnesium to give birth to a girl.
The diet must be followed strictly, by both parents and adhere to it for about a month after the onset of pregnancy. This method is not shown to all mothers, as it can lead to health problems. An unbalanced diet will harm the body, and the result may not be achieved if you deviate even a little from the program.
5. Douching before intercourse: alkaline - boy, acid / acetic - girl. Be sure to consult with a gynecologist in advance.
Step 5
Calculation methods:
1. Methodology of the Japanese scientist Yonas. Based on the calculation of the phases of the moon. It takes into account the risk factor of giving birth to a baby with a genetic disorder. Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the technique in 85 - 98% of cases. However, for a complete calculation, you need to contact special agencies.
2. By dividing the age of the partners by the period of blood renewal (for a woman every 3 years, for a man - 4), the remainder is revealed, which determines the sex of the baby. Example: wife is 26 years old, husband is 31 years old.
26: 3 - remainder 2
31: 4 - remainder 3
3> 2, so a boy will be born.
But it should be borne in mind: if the mother's Rh factor is negative, the result is the opposite. If one of the partners has undergone a blood transfusion or had a miscarriage, injury, calculate from the date of the event.
Step 6
Whichever method you use, the gender of the unborn baby does not in any way affect his love for you and the happiness of becoming a parent.