What To Do If The Penis Does Not Rise

What To Do If The Penis Does Not Rise
What To Do If The Penis Does Not Rise

The problem when a man's penis does not rise is quite common. There are many reasons for the lack of an erection. It is important to correctly identify one of them and eliminate it in a timely manner.

What to do if the penis does not rise
What to do if the penis does not rise

The situation when the penis does not rise occurs the more often the older the man. There are many reasons for the lack of an erection - from medical to psychological.

Medical reasons are all those diseases that can affect the lack of an erection. Any drugs that a man takes can also cause a fiasco in bed.

The situation when a person has taken a certain dose of alcohol is more of a psychological one. In this case, it is important for the girl to do the right thing and not make the guy finish, because such aspirations will not end in anything good. She will just try in vain.

It also happens that a man is healthy and sober, but nevertheless, all the affection of the girl was not crowned with success. What to do in this case?

Psychology plays a very important role. The place where partners are doing this, the environment around, the presence or absence of people, a dark or light room - these are just a few factors that a man may or may not like. A commonplace reason for a lack of erection can be simple fatigue.

If you feel that your partner is having some kind of problem, just talk to him. Don't raise your tone - this is the most important thing. The man is not to blame for the fact that his genitals behave in this way. The most important thing is to find out what went wrong. An example can be given: you caress him gently, but he prefers tougher caresses. As a result, your "push" is not enough.

Do everything in your power to eliminate the cause of the lack of erection. Remember: having sex should only be for love. If you love your partner, you can always find the compromise that suits both of you.

If it turns out that your partner is suffering from something, get tested. Your further actions should be completely subordinate to the instructions of the attending physician.
