Each man is different, but there are sex positions that many people like. American scientists-sexologists conducted research, during which they managed to identify the most favorite positions of men.

Of course, the first place is rightfully taken by the Doggy style pose. This pose helps a man understand that his partner trusts him. From behind, a man can contemplate the buttocks of his beloved, stroke her breasts, caress. Women like it too. And the man's penis penetrates deeper into the woman precisely in this natural position. This position is very pleasant for the stronger sex, in which the "animal" vein is developed. Often, a partner allows himself to spank a woman during sex, grab her by the hair.
Active "rider" - of course, this position is also loved by guys. Many people can generally only have sex in this position, especially if they get very tired at work. The woman on top can admire her partner, and he can admire the charms of his woman. A man obeys the female rhythm - this delays his orgasm, therefore, sex will last longer in this position. It is enough for a woman to turn her back to her partner, as the pose acquires new colors - a man can caress his lady's buttocks, help his hands move.
The missionary position does not lose its popularity, although there are many other poses in the Kamasutra. This position is to the taste of men who love their women very much, while they are romantic natures at heart. This pose is a sign that your man is caring, gentle and strong.
The Standing position is not very comfortable, because it is unstable, but nevertheless guys love it. This position is the preference of men for whom only sex is important, feelings are far from being in the first place. This position is often chosen for spontaneous intimacy in unexpected places.
It's easy to diversify your intimate life - just look into the Kama Sutra or go to a sex shop, but you shouldn't forget about the most common positions! It is with them that couples get the most pleasure!