Science is constantly moving forward. In our time, there are a large number of contraceptives. Any lady can choose the most convenient method of contraception. If for some reason you do not want to take pills, then a patch will help you.

It can be used continuously. This method of contraception is still new. However, many ladies prefer him. The patch should be applied every seven days. Typically, it is glued to the buttocks, shoulder or abdomen.
This is a great option for beautiful mates who often forget to buy pills. The patch provides 99% protection against pregnancy.
How the described tool works
The hormone analogues available in it stop the ovulation process. This prevents fertilization. Keep in mind that the patch does not protect against STDs.
Pros and cons of the patch
This contraceptive is very convenient to use. As for the pills, very few people choose them.
The patch only needs to be changed in a timely manner. It is impossible to forget about it. But the pills must be taken constantly, which many ladies forget.
If you choose a patch, you can sunbathe and go to the pool in peace. It will not stop you from leading an active life. It is worth noting that the described remedy soothes pain on critical days.
However, side effects must also be considered. Many patches cause vomiting. This is the reason for changing the medium.
In addition, lethargy often occurs due to the patch. With prolonged use, migraines may occur. Some ladies are gaining weight. The reason for this is hormonal instability. If you have similar problems, then you should visit a gynecologist.
The patch should not be used while breastfeeding. Otherwise, negative consequences may occur in the body. If you smoke regularly, then you also cannot use this remedy.