In our frantic pace of life, young married couples do not always want to have children. Sometimes they simply do not have the opportunity to do this - a difficult financial situation, no housing of their own, etc. Whatever the reason, it all comes down to protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy. In modern medicine, a huge number of various methods of contraception have been produced. They can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Calendar method. It can only be used by women who have established menstruation and come on a regular basis. Only then can safe days be calculated. All healthy women have a 28-day cycle. Then ovulation occurs on day 14, then two days before the onset of menstruation and two days after it, it is better not to engage in unprotected sexual intercourse.
Temperature method. It consists in the daily measurement of basal temperature. As soon as the temperature rises, it means that ovulation has come, and unprotected sex can be dangerous.
Cervical method. It consists in a daily examination of the fluid of the cervical canal. Before ovulation, the mucus becomes more elastic. It can be stretched 10 cm between the fingers.

Interrupted intercourse. In this method, the man must pull the penis out of the woman's vagina before ejaculation occurs. This prevents sperm from entering the vagina.
Diaphragm. It looks like a dome. The diaphragm must be inserted into the vagina before sex so that it covers the cervix. The diaphragm must be washed with soap and water after each sexual intercourse.
Neck cap. He, like the diaphragm, closes the entrance to the uterus, preventing sperm from getting inside.

Condom. There are condoms not only for men, but also for women. The female condom is in the form of a tube that is made of latex or silicone. It must be inserted into the vagina just before intercourse begins.
Male condom. Almost everyone knows how to use it. Condoms are made from thin latex for a natural feel. This method is the most popular.
Spermicides. These are drugs that destroy sperm in seconds.
Oral contraceptives are available. These drugs are the most common. They are easy to take and inexpensive. But there are many side effects and contraindications. After all, it is a hormonal drug. It can only be prescribed by a doctor after passing the necessary tests.

Hormone injections. Such drugs are administered once intramuscularly. They are valid for three months.
Hormonal ring. Contains hormones. The doctor inserts it into the vagina at the beginning of the cycle and takes it out at the end.
Intrauterine devices. Only a doctor selects and inserts the spiral. A woman will not be able to install it on her own. Works for a long time.