American scientists have made the discovery that a tenth of a second is enough for a person to fall in love. How exactly does a person fall in love and what happens at this moment in him at the physiological level?

Step 1
At the moment when a person looks at the object of his love, twelve areas are activated in his brain at once. Special compounds of neurotransmitters and hormones are released into the blood. Among them are oxytocin, adrenaline, dopamine and others. Scientists compare the inner feelings of a person in love with the euphoria that he may experience when taking certain types of drugs. Depending on what kind of love a person experiences in relation to another, passionate or platonic, various areas of the brain are activated.
Step 2
Activation of the brain of a person in love entails increased blood circulation in the heart, stimulates its activity. Therefore, it cannot be said that a person falls in love only with his brain or heart. Both organs are involved in the processes of falling in love. There are also obvious changes in the blood of the lover. An increase in protein compounds is observed in it, which are responsible for maintaining the life of neurons, which are so necessary for the formation of the body's nerve cells.
Step 3
Researchers have calculated that a person really falls in love only 2-3 times in life. Moreover, at least once out of all his loves, a person experiences unhappy love, for example, unrequited or tragic. It is also characteristic that both men and women fall in love on average the same number of times in their lives.
Step 4
The age at which people fall in love especially for the first time is 18-19 years. But late bright love after 40-45 years is quite possible. Moreover, forgetting their love, if it is unhappy, is not possible for older lovers as soon as for young people.
Step 5
From the point of view of poets and psychologists, a person in love immediately changes his own opinion, habits, and early judgments in front of the object of his passion. He is only interested in the person with whom he is in love. The feeling that has arisen is capable of completely blocking the mind of a person in love, taking him into the subconscious, shutting him in himself.
Step 6
Knowing the reasons for one person to fall in love with another, you can evoke this feeling in the object of your love. The first thing that people in the opposite sex appreciate and what they might like is their appearance, ability to keep themselves, grooming, sex appeal. If the appearance impresses, then falling in love with this person at first sight is quite possible.
Step 7
If a person discovers in another outwardly pleasant person similar character traits, habits, interests - this also brings a man and a woman closer together. Compliments, flattering words, a supportive, admiring look contribute to the feeling that has arisen strengthened.
Step 8
The success of the first meetings, pleasant dates, sexual attraction turn falling in love into a great feeling that may end with a wedding and last for many years.