Erotic Games To Achieve Maximum Openness Of Partners To Each Other

Erotic Games To Achieve Maximum Openness Of Partners To Each Other
Erotic Games To Achieve Maximum Openness Of Partners To Each Other

Erotic games are able not only to diversify the sexual life of a couple, but also to overcome barriers that prevent the achievement of maximum openness, intimacy, frankness and harmony, satisfaction with sexual relations in general.

Erotic games
Erotic games

The sexual sphere of a person's life belongs to the category of a very personal, intimate experience. It is not customary to discuss it publicly. Social stereotypes impose "seals on the lips" not only between friends when discussing such topics, but also prevent two loving people from being frank in their sexual desires and preferences. Of course, all couples are different. In some pairs, a man and a woman do not have such difficulties. In others, on the contrary, the barriers between partners are so great that they impede the development of their sexual relations in full, create difficulties in achieving openness, frankness and harmony. This, in turn, interferes with achieving maximum relationship satisfaction.

Of course, the partner with whom we achieve the greatest harmony, maximum openness and emancipation is of much greater value to us in comparison with other partners. Satisfaction with sexual relations with him increases significantly.

However, it can be really difficult for us to share our sexual fantasies and desires. Fears that the partner will consider us as some kind of depraved, vulgar, obscene, etc. more often gain the upper hand. We ourselves and, of course, our partner also face such difficulties.

What to do in such a situation? How to remove barriers, conquer fears and reduce anxiety in this matter?

One of the methods that can be useful for both partners is the game situation.

I offer several erotic games that are aimed at removing emotional barriers and sharing with your partner your sexual desires, fantasies, preferences and, of course, to bring them to life together with your chosen one.

Before proceeding to the description of the games, I want to make one very important clarification. If your sexual relationship with your partner is in a state of crisis, there is alienation, coldness between you, then the partner, most likely, will not respond to your offer to play any kind of erotic games. And even having agreed, it is unlikely that he will be included in the process "one hundred percent". Therefore, first of all, in your relationship with him, you need to return passion and desire, to revive the aura of eroticism in them. Also, your offer to play may not arouse your partner's interest if you offered him a game at a time when he was irritated, tense, focused on some problems. In other words, it was not tuned to the "desired wave". Therefore, it is necessary to offer any of the games below when the partner is maximally tuned in to perceive it positively.

And so, now you can proceed to the description of the games themselves, aimed at awakening the partner's fantasies and desires, motivating him to share them with you.

Game "Flower-seven-flower"

You probably remember the fairy tale of the same name, about a flower with multi-colored petals, tearing off each of which, you could make a wish and it was sure to come true.

Make the same flower out of paper. Invite your loved one to write on each of them one sexual desire (fantasy) that he wants you to fulfill for him. You, in turn, by agreement with your partner, will, for example, tear off one petal once a week and fulfill the wish that your loved one wrote on it.

Game "Certificate for sex in an unusual place"

This game will help your partner to share with you their fantasies about the places where he would like you to have sex. Make some small colorful certificate. It is desirable that they be small enough to fit in a pocket. Certificates can be stitched or simply stapled. On a separate piece of paper of the same format as the certificates, write something like this: "You can give any of these certificates to me in the place where you would like to make love to me, and I will gladly accept your offer."

This game can have two options: "winter" and "summer". The difference in this case is to set the partner or not to set a condition that the places where he will give you each of the certificates, be outside ("summer" option) or without making such a reservation ("winter" option).

Game "Lot of Kama Sutra"

The essence of this game is to play, like in a lottery, those positions in which you will make love again. The Kama Sutra Cube can be used for this game. These cubes are sold in any sex shop. Or you can order it online. The book "Kama Sutra" is also suitable. In it, you can guess page numbers or open a book at random. You can download pictures with poses of the Kama Sutra on the Internet and make cards with such poses yourself. And already at random to pull out cards from the general "deck". In other words, you can arrange this game in the version that will be convenient for you.

Game "Chest of desires"

This game can combine all three previous games into one. By design, it is as follows. In some casket, vase, box, you and your partner can leave little notes with desires, fantasies, preferences of a very different plan. It can be unusual places to have sex, and positions, and "toys" that can be used in sex, and any other wishes. Work with your partner to determine the color of your scraps. For example, yours will be blue and your partner will be green. Accordingly, in order to fulfill your desire, he will need to take out a note written on a blue piece of paper from the box, and you - on a green one.

Such games can not only help partners overcome shyness and embarrassment, but in general they can diversify the couple's sex life. In addition, intrigue will be introduced into the couple's sex life, which will also help partners to experience a new "taste" of erotic relationships. Greater openness, frankness with a partner will make sexual relations in a couple more harmonious and trusting.
