How To Write A Description Of The Family

How To Write A Description Of The Family
How To Write A Description Of The Family

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In the modern world, society has begun to face socially dangerous situations, which has put it in front of the need to create social control bodies, whose tasks include solving social problems. The first source is the creation of the characteristics of the family as the root of most social problems. This article will help you characterize your own family.

How to write a description of the family
How to write a description of the family


Step 1

In order to correctly write a description of the family, you must perform the following steps. First of all, it is worth indicating the personal data of all family members. For example: mother - Olga Valerievna, age - 35 years old, education - secondary specialized (trade.) Daughter - Olga Olegovna, age - 15 years old, education - studies at school.

Step 2

In the future, the structure of the family should be indicated, which includes the following functions: hidden / open, absence / presence of the male role principle, the function of security, spiritual, recreational and leisure functions. It is also necessary to take into account the moral stability in the family.

Step 3

The next step is psychological compatibility and psychological climate in the family. In these conditions, the following are revealed: temperament, type of perception and orientation of each family member, its positive and negative features.

Step 4

Next is the definition of the parent position. The goals that the family pursues are revealed, the problems of the family are revealed, with an indication of possible ways to solve them. This stage is one of the key in the formation of the characteristics of the family.

Step 5

At the end of the characterization, the position of the child in the family plays an important role. His goals, the degree of his trust in each of the family members, as well as the psychological state of the child are determined.
