Who Are Henpecked

Who Are Henpecked
Who Are Henpecked

On some men, society diligently hangs the label henpecked, but not everyone clearly understands what meaning this word actually carries.

Who are henpecked
Who are henpecked

The meaning of the word "henpecked"

It is interesting that the word "henpecked" can have completely different characteristics. Some people say that this is the name of a husband who is completely subordinate to his wife, and she, in turn, takes a dominant position in the relationship. Others believe that the henpecked person is that representative of the stronger sex who is hopelessly in love with a creepy bitch and a notorious selfish woman, although in fact, most often only confident and very strong-minded men peck at such bitchy ladies.

Guys who are under the thumb of their soulmate are used to making her a tyrant dictator or a monster user. They do not participate in family affairs, do not solve any problems. They will never be trusted to choose the interior for a new apartment, buy expensive things or participate in the distribution of the family budget. Such guys give all their earned money to their beloved and believe that in return they receive only user attitude.

Varieties of henpecked

People usually divide the concept of henpecked into two subspecies. The first subspecies is the common henpecked. He is a weak and insecure man, whose whole life is built on a series of failures and failures. Such a representative of the stronger sex will bend not only under his girlfriend or wife, but also under any other person, if he feels at least in the slightest degree his physical or even moral superiority over himself. Such men exist with a sense of guilt for something that, perhaps, even invented for themselves, they constantly feel insolvent, worthless and useless. How much they will bend under their own spouse depends only on her whims and wishes. These guys will endure any public humiliation, they will do any housework, you can get everything you want from him.

The second type of henpecked is usually called imaginary henpecked. This type includes men who do not argue with their woman just because they are too lazy to do it, as a result of which they simply agree with everything she says, do not get into any serious domestic problems and do not stick their heads out of their own shell. As a rule, such people have their own business, to which they give all their time and energy, and everything that happens around them does not interest them at all. They prefer to be content with traditional life values. They need a home, family, job, wealth and care. However, such men still do not allow too much pressure from their second half.
