A henpecked man is a man who completely obeys his wife in most matters. He does not make decisions, does not take responsibility and plays a very minor role in the life of the family. If this situation does not suit you, everything can be changed.

Step 1
Think about why it is your spouse who decides everything, and not you? Be frank with yourself, the point may be that you just once did not want to solve some issues, they fell on the shoulders of a woman, maybe you just do not know how to make the right decisions, and everything that you do ends badly, or you are afraid to be responsible for what you have done. Analyze the situation, find a moment when the woman began to decide everything herself, think about the reasons for this. But don't blame her, but look for flaws in both.
Step 2
If you yourself do not know how to answer for your words or are afraid of responsibility, the woman is constantly trying to hedge you. She is not sure of you, worries that you will not cope. You can change this, you just have to prove that you can do everything. Start small, make small decisions first, like take the initiative to repair, don't wait for a reminder, but do it yourself. Begin to be independent in the field of men's affairs, show the lady that she has a great husband who knows how to do everything with his hands or is able to invite a master on time.
Step 3
Get involved in important issues such as recreation or school planning for your children. Be proactive, don't settle for what the woman wants. Express your opinions, fears and hopes. Look for a common solution that works for both. There is no need to fear that the woman will be against it. At first, there may be some resistance, but if you show your best side, it will quickly subside.
Step 4
Choose areas of life that interest you, take responsibility for them. For example, make it a rule to pick up your child from kindergarten, cook family meals on Saturdays, or go out with the kids every weekend. Do this regularly. At first, a woman will control you, she will call and check, but after a while she will understand that you can do this without her instructions, she will cease to control you, entrust these actions.
Step 5
Expand your terms of reference, take responsibility for more and more cases. But at the same time, do everything well so that the lady never has to redo something. Her opinion of you will quickly begin to change, she will learn to trust, will increasingly rely on your shoulder, and not command. But remember to take on a man's job, not a woman's. There is no need to prevent her from being realized. Creating interiors, buying dishes or chandeliers is a woman's world, your initiative in these matters is simply inappropriate. You cannot please.
Step 6
Establish a new order of life, its principle is deliberation. Be interested in everything that happens in the house, take an active part in the discussion, express your preferences and desires. Don't be a tyrant, but don't give up your opinion either. At first, you still often have to agree with a woman, because she has already figured out everything, but gradually she will learn to trust you, give up some of the powers, and you can get out of the henpecked state.