For a long time, modern practice does not imply obligatory initiative in establishing relationships from men, and today women are increasingly taking part in building their own lives. And first of all it concerns the choice of a partner. It is possible not to make a mistake and marry the person who suits you, if a few simple conditions are met.

Step 1
Determine the approximate parameters of the man whom you would like to see next to him all his life. Before starting the search, you need to set a clear goal for yourself, and it will consist in an accurate knowledge of the character, habits, appearance and other parameters of a candidate for husbands. But keep in mind that there are no ideal men, like women, so the parameters you have conceived will only be a guideline.
Step 2
Look for a husband in decent places. Dating in bars and nightclubs will give you pleasant moments of communication and fleeting connections, but not a worthy candidate for husbands. Of course, there are exceptions, but to be on the safe side, it's still better to make new male acquaintances in restaurants, cafes, gyms and on the streets.
Step 3
Pay attention to the man's family and friends. After enough rapprochement, it is worth starting a conversation, and it is better to meet personally with the people closest to him, because he, most likely, will unconsciously repeat the pattern of behavior handed down from his own family. Pay your attention to the communication of his parents with each other, the relationship of a man with his family. Friends will tell you his interests. For example, those who like to drink and have fun until the morning will say that the chosen one has not yet walked up.
Step 4
Chat with the applicant for your hand and heart about his goals in life. This moment is fundamentally important, because their similarity with yours will be an excellent foundation for marriage.
Step 5
Evaluate the similarity of your interests, they should not be opposite in any case. At least a few activities should appeal to both of you. The moments of being together should be enjoyable, not burdensome.