Women and men are different in their mindset, logic and attitude towards life. Based on this, young people ask themselves: what do girls want, how to treat them. This question is both simple and complex at the same time, like everything related to relations between people. It is impossible at first glance to determine the mother of your future children. Before you offer someone a hand and a heart, there will be meetings and partings. Some will be painful for you, some, on the contrary, will hurt the girls. But this is life, and you won't get anywhere from it.

Step 1
A girl needs to be treated with respect. Never rush to confess your love. This will not run away from you. Remember that a woman always hears what she wants to hear. When parting, you may be surprised to find out that you have promised so much, but have not done it. And if you really carelessly promise, know in advance - there will be no descent.
Step 2
Never mention your previous hobbies with her and do not try to draw any analogies or make a comparative assessment. The fair sex has an amazing memory for such things. Do not be surprised if, at the age of seventy, your spouse recalls to you under a hot hand some Mashenka whom you kissed in the staircase in the seventh grade. It is possible that you will never be able to remember this, but a woman simply does not know how to forget such things.
Step 3
If the girl nevertheless somehow found out about your previous acquaintances, she will ask you about them - either directly or in a roundabout way. You don't need to say bad things about them, even if you beat the dishes against each other when you parted. The best option is to respond positively about them, making a reservation that you did not see in the girl that “spark of God” that you saw in her, unlike anyone else. This will not be a lie, since each person is unique and unique.
Step 4
“Life is not as easy as it seems. It is much simpler,”Socrates once said. This certainly applies to the issue of relationships with girls. Don't try to appear better than you really are. You have a lot of positive qualities, try to shade them more profitably, believe me, this is the most profitable option.
Step 5
There is a belief that every person on Earth has his own ideal half. And everyone has a chance to meet this half. Accordingly, this ideal can theoretically be found in every girl. Follow the advice of one of the heroes of Jack London: “In principle, women were created for us to perish. But one day you will meet that one, the real one. Grab it with both hands and don't let it go anywhere!"