Meeting your girlfriend at the airport is to show your feelings and take care of her, although a young lady can get to the city on her own by taxi. Come up with something original to cheer her up after a long and exhausting flight, and then show how you managed to miss you during the time of separation.

Step 1
If you are going to meet a girl at the airport, be sure to find out her flight number and the approximate landing time of the airliner. Just in case, before leaving, call the airport information desk and find out if the flight is delayed, as you often have to wait for the arrival of the plane for several hours, which will tire every person. Leaving the airport by your car or taxi, accurately calculate the travel time, taking into account possible traffic jams, in order to have time to prepare properly to meet your beloved.
Step 2
Although a gift is not required to meet your beloved at the airport, prepare a romantic surprise for her. It can be a huge bouquet of exotic flowers, and chocolates in an original box, and balloons filled with helium, and a bright poster with a creative inscription. Your further actions are directly related to what goals you decided to set for yourself.
Step 3
If a girl knows that you will definitely meet her at the airport, call her cell phone immediately after the plane lands. You will learn about this from the relevant announcements that are heard on the radio of the terminal and are recorded on special boards indicating the flight number. Having agreed with your beloved about a meeting in the waiting room, you will definitely not lose her in the crowd of arriving passengers, but you will make it much more interesting to surprise her by snatching your girlfriend with your eyes among other passengers.
Step 4
Remember that passengers must first go through customs, so your beloved will appear in the arrivals hall no earlier than 30-40 minutes after the plane arrives. Wanting to meet a girl at the airport unexpectedly for her, go up to one of the leaving passengers and ask if he is from the flight that your beloved also flew. This will help you stay alert, as you will already know for sure that she is about to appear. Approach your beloved first, hand her a luxurious bouquet or other prepared surprise, show with all your looks how much you missed her and looked forward to meeting her.
Step 5
It is not at all necessary to take an expensive gift to the airport - you can give it to your beloved at home, in a more solemn atmosphere. Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous to others when meeting your beloved with balloons or a bright poster where your declaration of love is written, since such a step will be appreciated not only by your girlfriend, but also by other people who are in charge of the reception.