Some men are very fond of mysterious women, whom they want to unravel and keep close to themselves. But it is important to play this role correctly in order to grab attention and arouse real interest.

Step 1
Don't dress too revealingly. Men love it when there is room for imagination. Vulgar, too open things destroy the atmosphere of mystery around your image. It is also not recommended to wear brightly colored clothes and wear a lot of jewelry. Know when to stop, you can open your shoulder or back to hook, but not fully open.
Step 2
Speak in a low voice and smile mysteriously. Practice in front of the mirror and choose the most suitable smile for the image, remember it and try to use it more often. Even the most ordinary things with such a half-smile become mysterious.
Step 3
Try to talk less and listen more. Mysterious silence, vague answers will add mystery to your image. Long and detailed stories about life are tiring, so try to be short, to the point, but not too serious. Listen to him more, nod and ask clarifying questions.
Step 4
Be unavailable. This applies to both intimate relationships and personal meetings. Do not rush to immediately respond to SMS, call back and agree to the first offer to see you. Be unpredictable, suddenly offer to meet and choose the time and place yourself.
Step 5
Have a life of your own. Your range of interests should not be limited to just a partner. Do what you love, hang out with friends, and spend time alone. This will make you more interesting in the eyes of the chosen one, show your independence, and he will be curious about what you are doing besides meeting with him.
Step 6
Create a riddle for yourself. It can be any action over which he will puzzle. For example, at the same time you disappear, you avoid talking on a specific topic, but you do not explain the reasons for this.
Step 7
Be sincere. Men are very sensitive to falsehood and pretense. Do not try to wear a mask that completely contradicts your normal behavior. Do not overdo it with the number of riddles - some men get tired of solving them and go to less interesting, but more understandable girls.