Such concepts as "harems", "sultans", "concubines" are familiar to most people only from films and books. However, for some women, all this exoticism becomes a reality, since in a number of countries harems still exist.

One of the outstanding harems was the Seral Palace in Istanbul, which was in the possession of the Ottoman Empire. About 2,000 concubines lived in four hundred rooms of the palace. The castle was surrounded by high walls that separated it from Istanbul.
Only true beauties could get into the Seraglio, each girl went through a hard "casting". Some of them were taken into the harem by force, others were given away by their parents, without resisting the will of the Sultan. All the concubines of the Seraglio were famous for their unearthly beauty and surprisingly delicate skin. The daily routine of the Sultan's favorites included inalienable water procedures carried out in the bath. To make their skin soft and velvety, the concubines used special aromatic oils, their outfits were fumigated with incense.
Many sultans were in the habit of spying on their women. Various secret windows served as a means for unobstructed observation. For example, Sultan Ibrahim I specially scattered precious stones and pearls on the territory of his concubines, and then discreetly watched the girls.
Girls were bought for a harem at an early age, being still practically children, so that by their 16th birthday they could already master all the intricacies of the art of seducing a man. The median age of the concubines was 17 years. The girls were taught to sing and dance, read poetry, speak beautifully, play musical instruments. But the main knowledge that was passed down from generation to generation was the science of how to love a man, giving him maximum pleasure. In addition, unquestioning obedience was brought up in the concubines.
When the sultan wanted to spend the night with a new slave, something like a show was arranged. The concubines stood in a row, and the attendant in the harem gathered them. The sultan went out to them and examined each one - the one on which his gaze lingered or at whose feet his handkerchief was, was considered the chosen one.
After a voluptuous night, new clothes were brought to the Sultan, but he left the old ones on the bed. The concubine with whom he spent the night had the right to check the pockets of her master and take everything that was valuable in them. That was the incentive pay for a night of love.
When the concubine found herself in an "interesting position", she was awarded the title of "Sultana of the Year." If a boy was born, his mother moved up the career ladder, she even received the right to manage the harem for a short time, and the sultan could marry her. But such marriages were very rare, most often after the birth of a child, the concubine was sent to the imperial harems or given to someone in marriage.
The Sultan's mother usually took over the leadership of the harem, she was called "Valide Sultan". She disposed of eunuchs, kept order, etc. The eldest woman of the harem performed the duties of her assistant. In addition, they had such positions as the mistress of dresses and baths, the keeper of jewels, the reader of the Koran, and others.
As for the relationship between the concubines, there was often no hint of friendship between them. The girls were jealous of the Sultan for each other, intrigued and staged a loud showdown, for which they were inevitably punished. Rebels and conspirators could be kicked out of the harem in shame or even physically punished.
If you are not afraid of the prospect of becoming the fifth or thirtieth wife in the sultan's harem, you can try your luck in countries with developed polygamous relationships. These are Nigeria, Mali, Senegal, Syria, Zambia, Morocco, Jordan, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Algeria and some others.