If you ask a young child what qualities his relatives have, then the first thing he will say is "kind." This is the first thing he sees in the people around him. With age, in addition to kindness, children learn to highlight other qualities - intelligence, beauty, humor. And kindness becomes a matter of course.

If you ask the same question to parents, namely how they want to see their child, then such a quality as kindness will also not be among the first. Usually, many answer this question figuratively, saying that the child must realize himself as a person, find his own path.
But kindness is the main trait of a person, which will help him become smart, honest, attentive to his neighbor, and generally find himself.
How can you raise a child to be kind?
This question is difficult to answer straight away. After all, kindness is a collective concept, and includes many other concepts, such as sensitivity, responsiveness, compassion, compassion, mercy, courtesy and many others. And each of them also needs to learn. It's one thing to show compassion and help someone in need, it's another to feel sorry for a homeless kitten, and the third is to show restraint and not respond rudely to something that is completely unpleasant to hear.
Personal example
First things first, parents should demonstrate their kindness by example. Church people strive to educate a child in faith. It is important to give a good education, as well as to teach them to be independent. It will be easy for such a child to be kind. Visit family members who are admitted to the hospital together, or take toys to the orphanage. Do all this with your child. So, from the very childhood you will instill in him care and compassion for people. Try to show your baby how important simple communication is for older people, even if you have heard their stories more than once. Remember, someday you yourself will grow old and the child will follow your example to communicate with you.
Get in the habit of sharing everything for everyone, then your children will be kind. After all, when there is a lot of something, it is easy to share. It is important to learn to share what is not enough. Also teach children to give gifts, and you need to give something valuable, but not to the detriment of themselves. Show your child how important it is to choose the right gift, albeit inexpensive. It is very good when children and parents share toys or things that they themselves do not need. Of course, you can throw them away, but it would be much better to give them to the needy. This is also an educational process.
Only our personal example will help to raise a child to be kind, caring. And having picked ourselves up, we will show our children what they need to be.