A successful personality is formed from birth. Raising a successful child does not mean loading him with all kinds of developmental courses and thereby depriving him of a happy childhood. The main motivation is hidden in the correct behavior of the parents. Here are some tips for raising your child to be successful.

Line up phrases correctly
The best motivation is verbal support from the parents. Do not point directly to the child's mistakes, let the child find them himself, this develops introspection. For example: “Do you think you did / decided everything correctly?”, “Let's play a game, who will find mistakes faster,” etc.
Always explain multiple scenarios. For example, in a competition, do not say “The main thing is not victory, but participation!”, This deprives the child of the opportunity to believe in a successful result. Explain that winning is the ultimate reward, but losing is not chagrin, but a second chance to prove yourself in the future.
Praise, like criticism, should be concretizing. Not general phrases: "You are great!"

Give your child the freedom to experiment
Parents are often afraid of damaged furniture, wasted time, etc. Therefore, restrictions and prohibitions are put into play: you cannot draw on the walls, you cannot indulge in dough and many other "not allowed".
Let your child express themselves. Wants to paint on the walls - arrange a corner of the wall where you can do it. Wants to sculpt with dough - make a sculpting dough together. Wants to help you with cleaning - give those instructions that the child is able to fulfill.
Do not interrupt childhood hobbies with your doubts: “Why do you need this drum? You don't know how to play! Better share the delight of learning something new. The more often you interact with your child, the tighter the knot of friendship between you will be tied.

Swap roles
Do not live in a constant mode: "I am an adult, you are a child." Let the child be you at least sometimes. Have a Self-Government Day once a week when your child takes on adult responsibilities and decisions. This is a great preparation for adulthood.
At the same time, explain the different models of adult behavior so that Self-Government Day does not become a Day of chaos and children's omnipotence.

Accept the child as he is
The love of the parents should not depend on the personality of the child. Love and accept your children whatever - with all the whims, mistakes, problems.
Remember that every child's act or opinion has a right to exist. Your task is to be an observer, friend and wise advisor, the rest of the child will develop himself.