How Women Destroy Masculinity In Men

How Women Destroy Masculinity In Men
How Women Destroy Masculinity In Men

Masculinity, strength, reliability attract women and they try to choose partners endowed with these qualities. But with the wrong behavior, you can destroy the masculine principle in your chosen one, suppress his will.

How women destroy masculinity in men
How women destroy masculinity in men

Modern women complain that men have become less masculine and infantile. Recently, this trend has been observed, but it is happening for a reason. Often, it is the closest and beloved women who are to blame for the fact that their husbands and sons cease to be support and support.

Striving to tame a man

Strong, confident men always make decisions on their own. This attracts the opposite sex. Every woman wants her beloved to take responsibility for herself, to protect her. But in the course of a long-term relationship or after marriage, things sometimes change. If a woman is not confident in herself, is jealous of her partner, she seeks to tame him. To do this, she may resort to mild blackmail or even threats. Prohibitions may apply to communication with friends, relatives. Some wives do not like that the husband continues to devote time to his favorite hobby, but not to her.


If a man is not able to defend his position, he gradually makes concessions. This makes my wife happy, but over time, other problems begin. And this is due to the suppression of the masculine principle. The husband feels psychological discomfort, because submission to a woman and constant concessions to a partner are unnatural for the stronger sex. Gradually, the line of behavior changes. A man ceases to be the main person in the family, to be responsible for making important decisions, and this also does not suit his partner, who cannot understand that she herself has achieved such a result.

The desire to earn

A real man should be the main earner in the family. This flatters his vanity and gives a feeling of comfort, self-confidence. Many modern women do not want to give up their careers and devote their lives to family and children. There is nothing wrong with such a position, but often wives pay too much attention to self-development and making money. They disappear for days at work, get more husbands and eventually even begin to reproach them for this.


This model of building relationships in the family is obviously a losing one. In this case, a man ceases to be courageous, free. Gradually, he loses the desire to do something for his loved ones. He simply does not need this, since the woman he loves earns good money, and he has to spend time in the kitchen and pay attention to raising children. Some couples claim that it is so beneficial and quite comfortable for them, but according to statistics, in most cases, such an exchange of social roles ultimately leads to serious conflicts and causes families to break up.

The desire to do everything yourself

The desire of modern women to do everything on their own destroys masculinity in their partners. The fair sex is self-sufficient and independent. They make repairs in the house, make money. If something breaks down, they can use the services of craftsmen and other specialists, independently solving all organizational and financial issues. Living life in the position of "I can do everything myself," a woman destroys not only her man, but also her children, who from an early age see just such a model of the family and take it for a certain ideal. A boy, observing the behavior of a "weak" dad and a "strong" mother, will not learn to take responsibility for himself. In adulthood, this will prevent him from building a happy family.

When a woman acts without the help of a man, it is not entirely natural. The ability to ask your partner for help to express your request to him is vital for both sexes.

Constant criticism

Constant criticism, reproaches destroy the masculine principle in the representatives of the stronger sex. If a woman is used to "nagging" her husband, pointing out his shortcomings, blaming him for low wages or something else, such a union is doomed. Over time, the man will cease to feel like a strong defender, complexes will begin to appear in him.

Reproaches of sexual failures and public humiliation hit the pride especially painfully. If a woman wants to see a real man in her partner, she needs to praise him more often. You don't have to cheat or exaggerate. You just need to notice all the good things that your loved one does. It will bear fruit over time. Praise can give you confidence and the desire to do more for your family.

Excessive custody

Too obsessive custody and the desire to take control of everything on the part of a woman kills masculine qualities in her partner. When a wife communicates with her husband as with a child, does not trust him with the solution of important tasks, controls his every step, the man turns into her "son". Some people even like this role, because there is no need to strive for something, to try for their family.


Many mothers, without noticing it, destroy masculine qualities in their sons, showing excessive custody of them.
