7 Surprising Facts About Men

7 Surprising Facts About Men
7 Surprising Facts About Men

Men are quite restrained and silent, so it is often difficult to understand the motives of their actions. Life is not enough to understand them. But now psychologists are trying to popularize the available data regarding the characteristics of the stronger sex. Their knowledge will facilitate the relationship between a man and a woman, make their life together more harmonious.

7 surprising facts about men
7 surprising facts about men

Similarity of the sexes

In modern culture, it is believed that certain qualities that are inherent in women are not inherent in men. Numerous studies have dispelled some of the myths.

Men like to gossip too

The gossip of men is very different from that of women. If ladies, during a discussion of a particular person, are guided by their own emotions, select expressions that mainly contain evaluation and imagery, then men operate with facts. Men's gossip is often more meaningful, reliable and interesting.

The stronger sex loves praise

They say that women love with their ears. Why only them? Men love compliments in their address no less, although they deny it. Therefore, a woman should take into account that the best deeds and qualities of a lover need to be voiced. It is difficult for him to guess without words that the lady appreciates and loves him.

Complexes about appearance

Complexes, as a rule, come from childhood. The child gets the impression that beautiful children are loved more than there is a grain of truth. Cute babies get more attention from others, more affection, their pranks are more likely to get away with. Boys who are not considered handsome by conventional standards see this, so they want to look different. A man may look good in adulthood, but still be dissatisfied with himself.

In addition, the images of sex symbols that are overflowing with the media affect the consciousness of not only women, but also men. Hence the desire to get closer to the ideal.

Relationship between the sexes

There are certain patterns that make it possible to explain the actions of men in relation to their soul mates. Researchers have repeatedly wondered what to look for when choosing a partner, why it is so important for a man to take part in raising a baby.

A man's loyalty depends on his intelligence

Studies have shown that the higher a man's education level, the less often he cheats on his partner. Perhaps this is due to the fact that family values are in the first place. Many people understand that fleeting hobbies are only the effect of novelty, which sooner or later will acquire corresponding problems. In any relationship, everything is not going smoothly, so work on yourself is always required: the ability to find compromises, to focus on the positive aspects.

Delayed love for your child

For fathers, love for their child does not arise immediately after his birth. This is due to the fact that men do not have a maternal instinct. The woman clearly feels a connection with her baby, because all 9 months he was a part of her. At first, the newly-made father does not fully realize his status.

When a man begins to spend a lot of time with a child, take care of him, buy something for him (in a word, immerse himself headlong in the educational process), he begins to be sensitive to this responsibility. It is during this period that fathers begin to feel like loving parents.

Male features

There are questions that a woman cannot find an answer to. Why is this man on the bus so unusually dressed? Why did the friend refuse help, and the friend, unlike her, supported? It's worth trying to figure it out.

Non-standard self-expression of single men

See a man with a lot of tattoos and piercings, over-dressed? Most likely, he is lonely. By drawing attention to his appearance, he wants to solve this problem. Someone will think that the issue is controversial. But our appearance is always a challenge for other people. It is unlikely that on a desert island a man will think about how he looks.

Building partnerships and friendships

There is an opinion that ladies' friendship does not exist. It makes sense because women are individualists. This is due to the fact that the fairer sex is biologically dominated by the maternal instinct, which does not require partnership. Men, however, unite in "packs" to achieve a goal. It's much easier than doing it alone. Therefore, the strong half of humanity mainly solves problems with joint efforts, and women often spend time together for the purpose of entertainment.
