Children are always very worried about the separation of their parents. Divorce for a child is an acute psychological trauma. The world in which he used to live is destroyed, and the closest and dearest people become traitors. The child feels unhappy, losing something very important and valuable in his life. At this difficult moment, he just needs to feel the care and love of both parents.

Step 1
First, gather your strength, thoughts and talk about the upcoming divorce. Remember that both parents must be present during the conversation. It is better to choose the right moment for the conversation in advance.
Step 2
It is very important that the child does not feel unnecessary. Explain that even after a divorce, his parents will always be with him. Reassure your child that no one is leaving him. The kid should not feel guilty about the divorce of his parents. Tell him that you love him very much and will always be there.
Step 3
Remain calm and positive about life. Try to protect your child from conflicts with your ex.
Step 4
Don't be bad about your ex. Reassure your baby that he can always meet with him.
Step 5
Try not to sort things out in front of your child, no matter how much you want to. Remember, by doing this you run the risk of forcing the child to take one side or the other.
Step 6
Be honest and open. Tell your child about how mom and dad's life will change after a divorce. Try to be sincere in answering all of his questions. You shouldn't have secrets from him.
Step 7
For a while, restrict the child from communicating with relatives who tell various nasty things about their parents. Remember that it is very difficult for him to survive the divorce of his parents even without them.
Step 8
Do not prevent your child from interacting with the other parent. Do not forget that he loves both mom and dad equally.
Step 9
Try to fill your child's life with new activities and hobbies. Provide him with an active life so that he can escape from sad thoughts. Praise and encourage your child more often in any endeavors. Get pets. Go to rest.
Step 10
Your child should feel that the changes that have taken place in the family will not affect his life, but mom and dad love him very much and will do everything necessary to make him happy.