The speed of life is constantly increasing, and such a phenomenon as stress is becoming more common. But the statistics of children's stress is unpleasantly surprising, the number of which is becoming more and more, because kids are sensitive to the mood and emotional state of adults.

Step 1
Children develop neuroses when parents do not even try to restrain themselves from splashing out stress on the child. Although they have enough of their own reasons for stress. Indeed, most often it can be caused by any changes in the life of a little person. The causes of stress in children can be: weaning or admission to kindergarten - at a very young age. Quarrels between parents, moving to a new place of residence, or even going to a hairdresser - for a little older children. The beginning of school life, misunderstanding of one of the school subjects or a quarrel with the best friend - among schoolchildren.
Step 2
All children are different and react to stress in different ways. The same situation sometimes has a completely opposite effect on different children. However, the signs of a stressful state in children are most often similar: the child's behavior changes, he becomes withdrawn and less sociable, sleep and eating are disturbed, and sometimes stuttering may appear. All of these are negative consequences of the influence of emotional stress, which attentive parents cannot fail to notice. And as soon as you notice, you need to try to help the child get out of a stressful state.
Step 3
Of course, it is better not to lead to a stressful state, to foresee possible difficult situations. But if the parents noticed signs of a change in the child's behavior, then you need to make every effort to help him. The first thing that can be done is to observe the child: what incidents or meetings with certain people disturb him most of all, how he reacts if he does not like something, which can distract him from thoughtfulness or isolation, at what moments he laughs happily and looks happy. Based on these observations, we can conclude about the causes of the appearance of a stressful state. And only then try to eliminate these reasons.
Step 4
You can try to talk to your child, but very carefully and carefully. After all, if you ask him directly: "What is happening to you?" - he is unlikely to be able to answer such a question. It is better to increase the amount of attention devoted to the child, play together, walk on the street, involve him in household chores. The child should know that the parents are nearby.
Step 5
You cannot escalate the situation, especially if the parents understand that the child's stress happened because of them, because of the transfer of adult problems to the family. If the child sees the complexity of the situation and the bad mood of the parents, it is worth telling him why this is happening, but be sure to convince him that the problem can be solved and everyone will cope. The child will understand that life is not ideal and will prepare for difficulties, but through the example of parents he will see that there are no desperate situations.
Step 6
Sports is another good way to distract your child from anxiety and cope with stress more calmly. You can go to the pool together, enroll your child in athletics, ride bicycles or rollerblades together. Horseback riding is an ideal stress reliever for children. Physical activity on the body and positive emotions will help to cope with anxiety.
Step 7
Sometimes adults really cannot foresee everything and protect the child from stress. But parents can help their baby and teach him to cope with difficulties. And this skill will certainly be useful to him in adulthood.