Water procedures not only benefit the growing body, but also lift your spirits, bringing great joy from bathing. However, water is also a source of danger. Therefore, while resting by the reservoirs with children, one should not forget about the elementary rules of behavior on the water.

Almost everyone knows the elementary rules of swimming in reservoirs one way or another, but many neglect them, risking their lives. When it comes to the safety of the child, there can be no talk of any disorder. The child and the parents themselves should know what can and cannot be done while in the water.
The main caretaker is the parent
The most important rule, which is an axiom for every parent, is never to leave a child unattended! Especially near open bodies of water. The child is strictly forbidden not only to swim, but also to approach the water if there are no adults nearby.
Parents should be in the water next to their offspring. Letting him swim alone is unacceptable. A disaster can happen suddenly, and parents may not have time to come to the aid of a drowning child in time.
Without protection, nowhere
The child must always wear a lifejacket, rubber ring or arm ruffles. Even if he resists, referring to the fact that he knows how to swim, or the place where he swims, he is "knee-deep".
Benefits of warning shields
Children are not allowed to swim in unequipped areas. Even if it is shallow and at first glance safe. A “no bathing” warning sign indicates that the bottom in these areas has not been explored. Therefore, in any place, even the smallest, there may be a deep hole or, for example, glass, about which you can get hurt.
No depth
The child should not be allowed to swim at depth, even if the parents think that he is a good swimmer. This is especially true of being on a river where there is a current. Streams of water can carry away the child's light body quickly enough, since he does not have the strength to resist the water element.
Protect your ears
Adults should allow children to dive as little as possible. Water in the ear can cause serious illness. If water does get in, you need to immediately stop water procedures, tilt the child to the ear in which the water is. The sooner you do this, the sooner the ear will be free.
"No" to dangerous games
If children are swimming with a noisy company, then adults need to be doubly careful. Often children, playing various games, for example, drowning each other, do not notice the line beyond which a person can drown and drown. In general, it is better to exclude such games, during which the child can go under the water headlong.
No bottom underfoot
The baby should never swim where the bottom does not reach with his feet. Even if the parents are confident that they can keep track of their child. It may happen that the child rolls over or takes a sip of water. He may start to panic. And the realization that he is defenseless can cause him serious psychological trauma.
Jumping from a height is dangerous
It is strictly forbidden to jump into the water from cliffs and other heights. You can land unsuccessfully on your stomach or injure the bottom of your leg.
Do not overcool
Finally, parents should avoid hypothermia of the child. You don't need to be in the water for long, alternating between swimming and relaxing in the sun. Blue lips and shaking shoulders are the first sign that the child should go home.