Formally changing the kindergarten is not difficult. The problem here is different - to find the necessary kindergarten, and so that there is free space in it, and to convince the officials that the replacement is expedient and is a forced decision. As a rule, if in the area where you want to arrange a child in a kindergarten, there are no problems with the availability of vacancies, then everything is solved quickly and in your favor. But where, in order to send a child to kindergarten, you need to stand in line and wait, this is really a problem.

Step 1
In order to change kindergarten, you will need to have a good reason. You can act either independently or through the education department. Since October 2010, the District Information Support Services (OSIP) have been dealing with these issues in Moscow.
Step 2
If you decide to act on your own, then, first of all, check if there are free places in the kindergarten where you want to transfer the child.
Step 3
If there are free places, talk to the head of the kindergarten and draw up the appropriate documents (application, medical documents, contract, etc.).
Step 4
If there are no vacancies, then talk with the parents of children attending this kindergarten, with teachers, kindergarten staff, the head, it is possible that in the near future there may be places, and they will mean you. It is possible that some parents will express a desire to exchange kindergartens with you.
Step 5
To find a place in the kindergarten you are interested in, place announcements in the media, read the forums on the Internet, post an ad in the kindergarten.
Step 6
If you decide to act officially, you should contact the territorial body of the Department (Office) of Education. Based on the practice of recent years, we can say that by the end of the summer a certain base of information is created in the committees on the availability of vacancies, data on the desire of parents to change preschool, etc. Write to the committee a statement justifying the reason for the transfer of the child, it is better if the reason is really valid.
Step 7
In Moscow, OSIP is in charge of replacing the kindergarten. Services function in each district of the capital. Therefore, residents of Moscow should apply there. The most valid reasons here are considered to be a change of residence, a change in family circumstances, the replacement of a short-term stay of a child in a kindergarten with a permanent one. OSIP employees contact the District Office of the Department of Education, clarify the possibility of translation and then send you there to complete the documentation. Pending approval, your application will remain at the OSIP.
Step 8
It should be borne in mind that another option for resolving the issue is to appeal to the conflict commission, if, of course, you have one in your region. Practice shows that parents, who act independently, solve this issue most quickly.