Nouns in Russian change in cases. This is one of the main categories of nouns. Studying the cases with the child, small tricks will help to assimilate the material, which are used for better and faster memorization.

Step 1
To begin with, you can explain the meaning of cases in speech using a simple exercise. Make a proposal and make a planned mistake in it. For example: "On Sunday we will definitely go to visit grandparents." Ask your child what is wrong with this sentence? Usually children find and correct obvious errors without difficulty. With such examples, you can clearly show that the cases make our speech connected, thanks to them we easily understand each other.
Step 2
There are only six main cases in Russian. A rhyme familiar to many from childhood helps to remember their sequence. It is quite unusual, but it contributes to the assimilation of the order of cases as well as possible:
Ivan (Nominative)
Gave birth (Genitive)
Girl (Dative)
Tell (Accusative)
Drag (Creative)
Diaper (Prepositional)
The initial letter of each of the words of the poem corresponds to the first letter of the case. This is a kind of mnemonic rule that promotes memorization by expanding associative links.
Step 3
Another expression is based on this, memorizing which will also help to learn the order of cases:
Ivan (Nominative)
Chopped (Genitive)
Firewood (Dative)
Barbara (Accusative)
Drowning (Creative)
Furnace (Prepositional)
Knowing your child, you can come up with any other statement for him based on this principle.
Step 4
Auxiliary words and small clues help memorize cases and the corresponding questions.
The nominative case answers the questions "who?" "what?" ("Masha", "chair", "horse").
Genitive case - there is no "who?", "What?" ("Masha", "chair", "horse").
Dative case - to give a toy "to whom?", "To what?" ("Masha", "chair", "horse").
Accusative case - I see nearby, in the distance "who?", "What?" ("Masha", "chair", "horse").
Instrumental case - I create (draw, compose) together "with whom?", "With what?" ("With Masha", "with a chair", "with a horse").
Prepositional case - I propose to talk "about whom?", "About what?" ("About Masha", "about a chair", "about a horse").
In this case, be sure to draw the child's attention to the identity of the initial letters in the case name and the auxiliary word: "dative - give", "accusative - I see", "instrumental - I create", "prepositional - I suggest."