To prevent the baby's head from getting clogged with a mixture of misinformation from friends and from films about the birth of babies, help him understand this issue. Only you will be able to explain to him that the birth of a small person is wonderful, that children appear from great love.

Step 1
Talk to your child about sex in a language that is appropriate for his age. When a child is from 3 to 5 years old, when asked where the children come from, calmly answer: “From my mother’s tummy. It's cozy, warm and safe for kids there. The little ones will be quite satisfied with this answer.
Step 2
An older child may ask: "How does the baby get into the tummy to the mother?" Tell your mom that a seed gets into your mom's belly, from which a person then grows. The seed goes to mom from dad when they sleep together, embracing.
Step 3
When the child is 10-11 years old, explain in more detail: “When mom and dad love each other very much and want to have a baby, they tenderly hug each other before going to bed. The semen from the dad's penis passes into the mom through a small hole in the bottom of mom's belly. This is how a new life is born."
Step 4
Don't be afraid to bring up the topic yourself if your child isn't asking about anything. If by the age of 6 you do not explain anything to him, he will become interested in his friends, and they will tell him this … Do not hope that the child will only get carried away with toys and collecting candy wrappers until everything is explained to him at school in anatomy lessons on the shelves. Anatomy appears only in high school and is presented, as a rule, in scientific language. This is not enough, it is imperative to connect the birth of a child with the tenderness and love of the parents.
Step 5
Show your imagination by bringing up the topic of the baby's appearance. You can do it like this: “It's so good that Katya and Roma got married! They love each other so much. Soon Katya will grow a tummy, and then a little daughter or son will appear from it. Isn't that great? With this conversation, you will imperceptibly nudge the child to the topic of interest. In addition, you have the opportunity to identify the knowledge he already has on this issue and correct it.
Step 6
Whatever secret questions your baby asks you, answer him always confidently and calmly. Do not shy away from the answer, and then you will be sure that he will have the right ideas about life.