Severe vomiting can be one of the symptoms of a medical condition. In some cases, vomiting can be dangerous in and of itself. Parents should remember that severe vomiting is a serious reason to see a doctor.

Nausea and vomiting in children can be a reaction to some traumatic event or be the result of a serious illness.
The main causes of vomiting
This phenomenon often causes fear in parents. They do not know what could be the reason for vomiting, and whether it is worth consulting a doctor at all. The most harmless cause of vomiting is the body's reaction to severe fright, prolonged crying. In such cases, the nausea quickly passes, and there is no need to go to a specialist. If, before the onset of vomiting, the child was not subjected to any psycho-emotional shock, then the reason may be much more serious.
Often, with the help of strong vomiting, the body reacts to poisoning with poor-quality food, chemicals, medicines. If shortly before that the child ate food of dubious quality, then the parents have every reason to believe that this is the reason for the nausea.
In almost all cases, intestinal infection is accompanied by severe vomiting. In this case, the child has a high temperature, diarrhea begins. In this case, vomiting can be very violent. The child will need immediate medical attention.
Severe vomiting can also be caused by a head injury, an acute surgical illness, or a foreign body getting stuck in the airways. All these pathologies are already serious in themselves. Parents should make sure that the baby is examined by a specialist.
How can you help a child with severe vomiting?
If, before the child began to vomit, he did not undergo any psychological trauma, did not experience a change in climate, then the cause of vomiting can be quite serious. It is imperative for parents to show their baby to specialists. If they suspect what could have caused vomiting, then it is imperative to inform the doctor about it. This will help to quickly make the correct diagnosis and start treatment.
Medical help will be to eliminate the cause of vomiting and help prevent dehydration. Parents should remember that vomiting is dangerous in itself. If the child is sick more than 3 times a day, then this may be the basis for hospitalization. Installing a drip can help prevent dehydration.
If the case is not so serious, then parents can also prevent dehydration at home. To do this, you need to give the child to drink as often as possible. Better to offer him compotes or sweet tea. You can buy a special drug at the pharmacy, which must be dissolved in water and given to the baby to drink several times a day. This will help to replenish the deficiency of sodium and potassium salts in the body.
With severe vomiting, you should not give your child food unless he asks for it. The body needs to be given the opportunity to cope with nausea, and additional food intake can be a hindrance to this. If the baby vomited several times in a row and his condition began to deteriorate, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance team.