Children grow up quickly. Already temporary milk teeth begin to fall out, being replaced by strong molars. Of course, a baby's lost tooth can be simply thrown away, but you can find more interesting use for it.

Tooth Fairy
The Tooth Fairy, a character typical of Western culture, has successfully penetrated into Russia as well. According to legend, a lost tooth should be placed under a pillow in the evening. At night, a fairy will come to the child, who will take the milk tooth and leave a small amount of money or another gift in its place. Modern parents, wanting to make it easier for themselves, are increasingly informing children that the tooth should be left in a glass of water on the bedside table. This makes it much easier to make a substitution without disturbing the child. The story of the tooth fairy allows babies to endure the discomfort associated with the loss of milk teeth.
Tooth for memory
Many parents keep a tag from the hospital, a cast of a baby's leg, a lock of hair cut from the head of their child in a cherished casket. If you have such treasures, the first tooth of your child may well go to them. Perhaps, in a few years, it will be interesting for you with an already grown child to look at him. And in a jewelry store, you can even purchase a special tiny box designed to store the first baby tooth that has fallen out.
The Tooth Fairy is a fairly new character, but in Russia most often the tooth is given to the mouse. To do this, they hide it in a secluded place in the house (under the closet, baseboard, in the gap between the floorboards. You can also ask the child to throw a tooth behind his back on the street. You can also ask the mouse to give the baby new strong teeth.
Some believe that the child's first tooth that falls out is a strong talisman that protects the family, brings it happiness and prosperity, and does not allow it to fall apart. If you believe in signs and want to protect your loved ones in this way, just put your tooth in a secluded place and believe in the power of this talisman.
Lovers of non-trivial jewelry can make one from a lost tooth. To do this, you can even give it to the workshop, where it will be framed in silver. A very extravagant pendant will turn out from a tooth. However, be careful - some people believe that such items are related to black magic and can be harmful.
Throw away
If you are not characterized by sentimentality, and your child has never heard of a fairy bringing gifts, the lost tooth can simply be thrown away. It doesn't matter if you bury it under a rose bush in the country or send it to the trash. Do it the way you feel comfortable, and your baby's new molars will grow anyway.