Dental plates are a removable orthodontic device that is used to treat certain malocclusion defects in children. An important advantage of the records is the ability to sometimes remove them, which allows you to avoid discomfort when eating or brushing your teeth. However, this advantage of the plates can easily turn into a disadvantage and lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment if the rules of wearing are not followed.

Step 1
Make sure your child does not remove the device at night. If this recommendation is not followed, the result of the treatment may be lost, as the teeth will return to their original position. The dentist should tell you about the timing of the plate.
Step 2
Take good care of your dental plates. Plaque that builds up on teeth and on the orthodontic appliance can lead to the development of tooth decay. The child should be immediately explained that if he does not observe oral hygiene, he will not see a beautiful smile. The plates are cleaned with special gels. One gel is used daily, and the second is used once a week for deeper cleansing. These products should be recommended by your orthodontist. The removable plate is cleaned with the child's personal toothbrush. Do not use a brush with coarse bristles, as it can damage the structural parts.
Step 3
If self-cleaning was not enough and the tartar on the plate cannot be removed, you can send the device for hardware cleaning. With the help of a special device, the plate will be ideally cleaned and sterilized.
Step 4
For more thorough care, it is recommended to pour the plate in the container with a special cleaning concentrate once a week for a long time, for example, overnight.
Step 5
After cleaning in a solution, you need to drop a drop of vegetable oil on the screw of the plate (if any), and then turn it clockwise and back. Avoid turning the screw prematurely, as this can lead to unnecessary activation of the device. A thorough cleaning is best done the day before the visit to the orthodontist and the next activation of the device.
Step 6
When eating, take out the device, otherwise food residues will decompose on it, causing the formation of caries. It is undesirable to use mouthwash elixirs; it is better to use non-alcoholic fluoride treatment and prophylactic rinses. Do not use toothpicks or floss to clean the records. Part gum during treatment.